Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15th, 2015 Busy Day

January 15th, 2015 Busy Day

Today was a very busy day. Wow. I'm just glad it's time to call it a night. I did get quite a lot accomplished, but not necessarily everything I needed to get done. I spent a good deal of time working on my Weight Loss Meditations project this evening. I can't wait to get past the writing phase and into the recording phase of this deal!

I made today a rest day after yesterday's Yoga session. Make no mistake, yoga is an amazing workout. I haven't been this sore in a very long while and this was an introductory class! It isn't a bad kind of sore, it's a nice kind of sore. I'm excited because I know, like the weight training, it's going to make a wonderful difference for me.

I got creative in the kitchen today. I'm proud of myself for using leftover chicken from last night's dinner on today's lunch. I'm really bad about leaving leftovers and eventually throwing them away. Tonight I made gravy! It was simple. I used the tiny amount of fat created by the 96% lean beef patty and a 1/2 tablespoon olive oil to supplement, gluten free flour and unsweetened cashew milk. Oh, and plenty of pepper. Low cal gravy, you bet!

 photo 61c3b5f5-f6e7-4dc1-8341-55bc036fc8c0_zps7050361d.jpg
Throwback Thursday! My first grade teacher Mrs. Schlimpert showed up at a book signing in January 2012. She taught me my ABC's!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I like your food choices Sean, I'm experimenting myself, mostly looking at the calories on labels and such. Hopefully there will be some kind of taco's, chicken or turkey? Haven't decided yet.....Have a good weekend...........

    1. Mathew, I hope you had some good tacos today! Any of those options sound tasty! You too--have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I am living vicariously through you this morning; sore from Yoga! What a wonderful thought. Go Sean!

    1. Thank you, Vail! Yes indeed--sore! I mean to tell ya... It works deep!

  3. I think I heard Yoga can be your weight training? It works those muscles to get the in shape.

    1. Yes, it certainly qualifies as weight training. It just does it in a different way. But yes, I believe it absolutely falls under the category of weight training!

  4. Love the Thursday throwback picture! Yoga is harder than one would think, but I really love it. I'm going to a class tomorrow morning that I have never attended before. I'm told there is a lady who comes in and plays the harp. That should be fun. :)

    1. Live harp music--wow!!! That sounds amazing! It truly is a challenge and I'm just a beginner!! One class and I'm looking forward enthusiastically to the next! I love that picture too--my 1st grade teacher showing up was an amazing treat that day! Thank you, Caron!

  5. Ok I am officially interested in finding out how you prepare those sweet potatoes. Spill!

    1. Shane, my friend--I think you're going to love this. It's super simple. I cut the whole sweet potato in either fry shapes or if they're long and narrow, I'll slice them into 1/4-1/2 an inch medallions. I lightly spray a non-stick baking pan and lay 'em down---salt and pepper--then bake at 420 for about 10 minutes--flip 'em over, and bake another 10 minutes... Easy and delicious!!

  6. That is so cool about your teacher. Great TB pic!

    1. Thank you, Alati! It was pretty special when she walked up to the table. I didn't recognize her of course until she introduced herself as my first grade teacher... and then it was, OMGoodness, are you kidding me??? Wow!


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