Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16th, 2015 Protect The Cubs

January 16th, 2015 Protect The Cubs

Taking a rest day yesterday without feeling guilty about it, was refreshing. It's not always the easiest perspective to adopt. But I adopted it all the way. I really think it helped give me a wonderful boost today. I felt super motivated to do exceptionally well today.

I experienced some stress today and instead of ignoring it, I met it head on and handled it. This is a learned thing for me. It's not my natural way, I promise. The perspective I try my best to embrace is one of a mama bear protecting her cubs. The elements of my recovery and success, are my cubs. If something stands a chance at threatening my cubs, then I must face it down, handling the situation before it handles me. Again, a learned thing.

One of the major benefits of losing 275 pounds then gaining back over half, and now losing most of the regain weight to date, are the numerous lessons and experiences along the way. It's enriched my trek in some fairly powerful ways. I'm very grateful! Maintaining balance with my food and exercise despite stressful and emotional things is imperative, because life happens. Stress and emotions come into play occasionally. What is the wise saying? It isn't what happens to you, it's how you react that matters most. It's a very important thing to remember. Those cubs, protect 'em!

It's not easy. It takes intentional effort.

My weight training today was short and sweet. I'm really pleased with my lower body strength. I was handling 200lbs on the leg press fairly easily. I might have been able to do a little more, actually. Clearly, my lower body is much stronger than my upper body. I don't think I can expect measured results just yet, I mean really, I just started, but-- I grabbed the 10 pound dumbbells for my hammer curls and they seemed perfect. Maybe the increased blood flow to certain muscles is waking them up after being dormant for so long. It's a theory.
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I dined out tonight at a little Italian place. I called ahead and confirmed they had gluten free pasta on hand. I'm not 100% gluten free, but I do make an effort to avoid it most of the time. When the server said "I'll be right back with some fresh bread," I quickly caught her before she got away and declined. My plan in this place is pasta with marinara. And since I had a good amount of calories remaining, I enjoyed a couple of meatballs. The plate arrived and it was at least twice what I needed. I was counting on a 3oz plate of pasta (1.5 servings), it was 6oz, easy. It took enormous self-control to not finish the plate. I'm experienced enough to know what 3oz of pasta looks and feels like and when I reached that point, I had to push the rest away. Still, it was tempting. Finally, the server took it away. "You want a to go box?" Uh, yes and no...I mean, no thank you! 

I often mention the weekly teleconference support group I co-facilitate with Life Coach Gerri every Tuesday evening. Openings come available with the start of every 10 week session and we're quickly approaching the start of another! If you're interested, send me an email: I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have about this dynamic group!
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Tomorrow evening will be a fun experience. I have a date with my oldest daughter for dinner in Tulsa followed by the Garth Brooks concert! I'm excited! My challenge will be to get my workout in before we hit the road.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Great job pushing the plate away! And on the weight training. My household is finally all in on the get fit and thinner wagon. We have only been cooking at home so far. I hope we have the good sense to follow your example when we do eat out eventually.

    1. Shane, that's so awesome to read about the fam joining in!! That's a BIG deal. I totally get embracing the certainty of preparing the food and cooking at home. I don't know if you were reading this blog around late April through May--I would have to go back and check, but I don't think I dined out but once or twice the first month of getting back on track. It's a solid way to start. Gerri's restaurant tips in the comments below are absolutely spot on, by the way. Eating out while losing weight can be done but it does take extra effort, forethought and control once you're at the table! You will do great. I'm bursting with happiness for you and your family, Shane. Support is crucial along this road--and that kind of family support is the diamond level, my friend. Did you see my reply on the Thursday post in reply to your sweet potato question? Have a fantastic weekend!!

  2. I can not wrap my brain around the the cashew milk. I'm not a big milk drinker anyway, but cashew milk? Not so much. And right there is my problem most of the time. I do not like to try new things. I'm not brave enough.. Let me re phrase that. I'm a coward!
    Nice job on your weight training and also pushing the stressful stituation away. That is a hard thing to do. We all deal with it differently and your right, its a lessoned learned and continued practice.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Rosie, in all honesty, I'm not good at trying new things either. But I like some of the nutrients in it and I LOVE the 25 cal per cup count. Initially, I was only going to use it in things, recipes. But then one day I thought...Hmmmm...I wonder what it's like straight, like a glass of milk? And it was really decent! I like it, actually!
      So right, Rosie--Dealing with stress/emotions in a positive way while losing weight or maintaining, it's learned and it takes continuous practice along the way!
      Hope your weekend is incredible! Make it Jazzy! :)

  3. I have to say Sean, looking at your photo, you looking great in comparison to when we were out in Las Vegas this past October. You looked great then too, but such a improvement since. I can tell how much the water intake is helping your complexion, seriously! Your looking healthier than you ever have! :)

    1. Jon, thank you! I'm 25-30 pounds lighter than our Vegas weekend! The water is certainly making me sweat more! Maybe that helps--a good sweat and a better face washing--good combo! LOL I feel healthier than I have felt in a very long time.
      I missed your call! My mom told me my voicemail is full, too! Let's try to connect before the weekend is over! You're rocking this deal, too, Jon! It's a pleasure and an honor to be along this road with you. I appreciate your support!

  4. Hope you both enjoy the concert. He was just here in Greensboro NC and some friends went - they said he was really terrific. He apparently joked about his own weight gain by saying he was "one biscuit short of 275". :-)

    1. Thank you, Neca! Yeah--I noticed in the promo pieces he had regained some. He had lost quite a bit going into his Vegas acoustic thing he did for awhile. I guess Garth is like the rest of us, human! :) I imagine him having a sense of humor about it. If he acknowledges it from the stage every night, I wonder if he's a little self-conscious? Or maybe it's like the rule in comedy--always acknowledge the obvious as quickly as you can. Perhaps!
      Is it wrong of me to be slightly happy that I weigh less than Garth? It is, isn't it? :)

    2. I don't think Garth would mind you being proud of your achievements! :-)

  5. I had a pasta meal with a pesto cream sauce on my trip recently .precisely because I wasn't going to take leftovers (I couldn't). I normally would never order what I did and I mostly ate the meat and veggies and sauce and just a few bits of the gnocchi every few bites. It didn't look like I'd eaten half of it, but I was full. I hope I can repeat that another time.

    1. PJ--excellent navigation of that meal! You can do it again, you know you can! Last night for me was a case of simply not wanting to go home early. And for once I wasn't in the mood for Mexican, although I'm most comfortable calorie strategy wise with that option.

  6. a few restaurant tips
    - when ordering, request a senior or child's portion. Saves money & the portion is more reasonable for 'us'.
    - put what you aren't going to eat on the bread plate
    - ask for a to-go box when the meal arrives, portion out what you aren't going to eat and get it off the plate!

    Looking forward to our next group, Sean. I think it will fill up quickly.

    1. Excellent tips!! Thank you, Gerri! I'm really looking forward to our next group and I totally agree!

  7. It's pretty typical for your lower body to be stronger than your upper body, if you think about it your legs have to support the whole weight of your body as you go about your day. This doesn't occur to us often but the reason why standing feels relatively effortless (for those of us lucky not to suffer from an illness or disability which makes it difficult) is because our muscles have become strong enough for it not to require major effort on our part.

    It's also pretty much a universal experience to get rapidly stronger at the beginning of a weight training program and experience a slowdown later on (as with weight loss). I read an article a while back about how a big component of physical strength is a learned skill, something that you become better at as you practice and not just because your muscles get physically stronger. In fact most of the early gains in strength are due to neuromuscular adaptation, your nervous system totally rewiring itself to better activate the muscles at play. It's really encouraging though when you first start out and get to make these big rapid leaps!


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