Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22nd, 2015 It Balances

January 22nd, 2015 It Balances

One of the most important things we can do along this road is practice self-compassion. It's tricky, because there's a line where self-compassion gets tangled with excuses and letting ourselves off the hook because it's convenient or easy. It's regulated with self-honesty. And, that's a tough one in itself sometimes.

I accomplished quite a lot today. It was a decent workday. I took the opportunity to visit with mom tonight, too. She's been sick recently and feeling down, so I surprised her with a visit, cooked her dinner and we enjoyed a good conversation. The plan was to leave early enough to get into the Y for my workout tonight. And I did. Except...

Despite grabbing a small sugar-free/skinny--oops, make that "tall" sugar free/skinny cinnamon dolce latte for the drive back home, I was having trouble staying alert. I'm tired.

This is where the self-compassion comes into play. I wasn't planning on making this a rest day. But honestly, it's okay. I've been doing wonderful in the exercise department of late. Instead of feeling bad about not working out tonight, I must turn it around and feel proud I'm getting to bed early for some more rest. Oh--and then the water issue...

Yeah, that--I was kind of hoping to just skip over this one. For some reason--probably because I recently proclaimed I was getting into a groove with the water, I've struggled to get enough today. I'm drinking cups five and six as I write this post. I'll hit six and be fine.

There will always be days like this and days like I've had recently where I feel like I'm firing on all cylinders. It balances.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I'm so proud of myself - I arrived at the hotel in Las Angeles for my convention, unpacked and hit the gym. Light stationary bike workout but so proud that i did it.

    1. Gerri, that's wonderful! I bet it's a super nice workout facility. It is a great feeling when we get it done.

  2. When I first joined WW back in 2002, they told us we could count half of our coffee and tea as part of our water. Now I think you're allowed to count all of it. In any event, you are getting more water if you count the coffee. :)

    1. Caron, My goodness, if i can count even half of it, most of the time, I'm good! :) Thank you!

  3. I think you hit a very important point that doesn't get enough coverage. People take off thinking they will have all good days in this journey. And some have lots of success days. But the one thing that needs to be realized is this journey runs just like your life. There will be good days and bad days, but life doesn't stop or end over bad days. Take them in stride, because that is how life works.

    1. Shane--omgoodness, yes--Take them in stride. The drive to be spot on the plan is sometimes so great--anything perceived as less than, feels bad. Zeroing in on that, adjusting the perspective---embracing days like these as "part of the deal," I believe, is critical to our success, for obvious reasons. We're much more likely to succeed when we feel good about what we're doing. The last thing we need to do is feel bad about it, when in reality, we're doing just fine on the whole.


  4. I've read a lot lately that we forget to realize that some of the food we eat (aka fruit + veg) has a lot of water. Not that you want to decrease the actual liquids you drink, but realize you Are getting plenty.

    1. PJ, you're right. It's true! And as Caron mentioned above--the coffee, tea--the water based drinks-- it all adds up! Thank you!

  5. My obesity expert claims the number one mistake dieters make is the strive for perfection! It will always disappoint because life is unpredictable Those who preach "suck it up, get to the gym no matter the circumstance", hinder the success of the dieter/maintainer because it becomes to difficult to live that way and deal with life. That doesn't mean you skip the gym or water every time you feel like it, but it means you allow for the ebb and flow of life. That's Dr. Yoni Freedoff's 2 cents....

    1. Divad, yes--indeed---those are very wise words. Worth much more than 2 cents, for sure! :) "because it becomes to difficult to live that way and deal with life." This is really the whole concept behind my "running in the background" philosophy... The fundamental elements of my recovery, maintenance and daily success, must run in the background while life runs in the foreground...If ever I allow those two streams of being to intersect--that's when things get tough, super fast. I need to check Dr. Freedoff out--He sounds like someone I would really enjoy! Thank you, Divad!

  6. You're doing great. Thanks for the self-compassion comment. We need to keep that in mind on this journey.

    1. It is as vital, or more so, than any other element along the way. Thank you, Nancy! :)


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