Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23rd, 2015 All Cylinders

January 23rd, 2015 All Cylinders

I hit on all cylinders today. I wasn't messing around. I made sure I hit my water goal (exceeded by 4 cups) and I did my upper body weight training followed by cardio on the elliptical.

I've decided to suspend the lower body weight training until a later time. My lower body strength is fine. My upper body is what needs the work. I believe my yoga practice will suffice in the lower body area, not to mention how easy it would be for me to do squats in the comfort of my apartment.

I noticed an increase in upper body strength today. I even added some weight on a few of the machines. I don't know if this is normal or not, I have nothing to reference. It certainly felt like progress, so that's what we'll call it: Progress!

I enjoyed a nice meal out before heading to the John Conlee, Moe Bandy and Joe Stampley concert at one of our area casinos. Getting free concert tickets is a wonderful perk of the radio business!
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This is John Conlee performing his 1978 #1 hit "Rose Colored Glasses." His voice still sounds the same as it did 36 years ago. The guy can flat out sing!

I just enjoyed an apple and a pear for my #lastfoodofday. It's almost 1am and the alarm is set for 5:30am. I've got to be up early because I'm driving a friend to the airport in Oklahoma City for an early flight. Looking forward to writing more over the weekend, reading more too and catching up on some rest at some point along the way!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Good to adjust your schedule for what is working in your life at the moment. You are watching the bottom line of calories, water consumption and some exercise - so that will work. What does your coach Gerri say?

    1. Thank you, Nancy! Gerri is very supportive and very proud of what I'm doing. She doesn't tell me what to do and how to do it, she simply encourages and holds me accountable. The main thrust of her coaching, for me, revolves around my personal and professional goals. She is the one who coached me weekly throughout the year long process of writing my book. Without her challenging me each week to keep a writing schedule, I'm not sure I would have finished. At least not in 12 months! She also played a critical role in my turnaround because she wouldn't give up on me, no matter what. She could tell how bad I was struggling through relapse and regain--simply based on my actions. She's good!

  2. I am 100% in agreement with your decision to put off lower body weight training until another date. IMO your fitness regime was perfect today!

    1. Thank you, Jon! Yeah--the lower body muscle seems to be perfectly normal and decent for my size/build. The upper body--well, that's another story! I bet you could beat me in arm wresting if I'm using two arms and you only a pinky finger. LOL It was a great day, for sure!


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