Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 31st, 2015 A Decent Saturday

January 31st, 2015 A Decent Saturday

I enjoyed my Saturday. I had good food, did a location broadcast and enjoyed a nice nap! I would say that's a pretty decent day. I didn't make it to the Y for my workout and that's okay. I was a tiny bit disappointed in myself for this, but quickly stopped before it became an issue. I can, from time to time, allow myself to not workout, and be okay. Although, I do like the feeling of finishing a good workout more than I like how it feels to skip, when the plan was to not skip.

January comes to a close marking the 9th consecutive month of daily blogging. I'm proud of this. I'm thrilled, because I know what it does for me. This nightly ritual is imperative to my success.

I'm wrapping up early and headed to bed. I have another location broadcast tomorrow at a Superbowl party hosted by Budweiser and a big casino. One of the many wonderful benefits of my weight loss is being able to get around so much easier without tiring. At my heaviest, everything was a chore, not so much these days. I'm very grateful!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I've been away and catching up on blog reading. First, congrats on another great weight loss. Just as good as that is, your NSV of having more energy also deserves a congrats. This journey really is all about getting healthier!

    1. It is, Katrin, absolutely! Thank you for the congrats! The increased energy and moments where I realize I'm not winded--are things easy to overlook--but stopping to recognize the change is important. An NSV, absolutely!

  2. Those blue corn chips look amazing! I don't think we can get those over here! Love your mug too!

    1. I love the blue corn tortilla chips. And my mugs! I hope you can find them--worth the search! Surely they have them in your country! :)

  3. Dude! Like 3 minutes ago, I was talking to Kathy about how despite a weigh in disappointment (for lack of a better word) I was so happy to see all the other things that have come with consistent eating well and exercising. One of those things is that I don't put off getting up to do something I need to do. And I only really just realized that part of that is that it took a lot of energy to move a 280 pound body with 140 pound body's worth of muscle. Great job Sean. I am loving reading about this part of the journey more than the first leg!

    1. Shane, my friend. Thank you. It's so important to recognize the entire picture. Not putting off things is a big deal. Eating well and exercising--excellent. You're spot on about the energy it takes to move!! Makes a huge difference.
      Thank you, Shane. I'm loving this part of the journey more, too. It feels more complete, more solid.

  4. Sean, I appreciate the way you are grateful for the little things, every day. I'm glad to read - it keeps me reminded of the wonderful thins that come from health. Big hugs!

  5. things, but I guess "thins" come too! ha ha ha

  6. Hey! I just wanted to say .... " GO PATRIOTS!!!"
    ooh and nice looking chicken dinner!
    :) :) :)


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