Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1st, 2015 Annoyed With Me

February 1st, 2015 Annoyed With Me

This day didn't go as planned. Some days are like that, I suppose. I didn't get to the Y for my workout, now two days in a row. I guess we can classify this as struggling. I'm struggling. There, I said it. Not with food. I'm proud of how well I'm doing with food. I'm struggling in the exercise department.

I could explain how today's workout plans went South, but I'm not a fan of long explanations and excuses, so I'll save it. It's a legit reason for not making the Y during their 1-6pm Sunday hours. But I have no excuse for not doing something at home, of some kind. Tomorrow is a new day.

I've made an incredible commitment to myself in so many ways. I wouldn't think of sacrificing my food plan, yet, exercise seems to be different. I didn't plan well today. I wasn't prepared. Instead of beating myself up for it, I'll plan better and be prepared tomorrow. One weekend isn't going to make or break me.

I had to call an audible tonight in the food department, when the friends house I was headed to for the game, cancelled the plans to watch. I don't watch TV at home. I don't have TV, only internet. My food plan was to grill my dinner over there. Instead, I found a restaurant with the game on--and ordered something decent. I left the restaurant shortly after halftime, got home and discovered NBC was live streaming the game for free. Had I known this, I would have cooked at home, enjoyed the game and felt a touch bit better about today.

I'm tired. I'm slightly annoyed with me. I need a shift in perspective.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Honestly aren't you annoyed at the people that cancelled? Hurt even? That's when I find myself going off course is when I am looking forward to being with someone and I'm disappointed. I don't know how to handle that feeling.

    1. I should have clarified. The cancellation was necessary because of circumstances beyond the hosts control. I was disappointed but it certainly wasn't anything personal.

  2. Sounds like today was a day that was out of your control and yet you did great with your eating.
    Don't beat yourself up just get up tomorrow and do better than today that's all any of us can do

    1. Thank you, TR, you're absolutely right. Today is a new day. It will be better! The psychological effects of a day and weekend like this, as far as exercise goes, is much worse than the actual physical effects. It's going to be fine. I'm going to be fine!

  3. Yaa dude, just another day...............been there, done that.

  4. another way to look at it is what you eat has over 90% to do with the weight you become. It's unrealistic to have two seperates entities, nutrition @ fitness exceed expectations less than a few years removed from a lifetime of horrible ones. The fact is your very early in the beginning stages of your fitness transformation. The beauty of having a very short time of loosing the weight & a lifetime of maintain the weight is its just the opposite regarding your fitness. While in weight maintain ce you have a lifetime of inproving fitness. I'm sure one day your fitness comitent will rival your nutrition. be patient, your light years improved already with so much time on your side to improve! Your doing great, gradual improvement is the goal, absolutely no rush, keep on pushing.

    1. Jon, You're spot on correct. Thank you for the reminder! i sincerely appreciate this, Jon.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I know I keep on about 'movement' vs 'exercise', and hopefully one day you will listen to some of Katy's podcasts or browse through her blog (Katy Says). But may I just point out that you did not sit on the couch all day? You were up and moving and productive. And your food choices were spectacular given the 'party day' atmosphere. You Rock!!

    1. Vail-- that's very true. I was very active, in fact. Thank you! I need to find her podcast. :)

  7. A major change in our day can throw a rock (not just a stone in the road) in our way - and it's not easy to handle that. You did a beautiful job of it!

    1. Nancy, thank you. I agree--sometimes it is the most challenging thing to navigate around that rock. Sometimes it seems like a boulder. But it's most usually not a boulder. An obstacle to overcome, for sure--but not a 'stop me in my tracks' type thing.

  8. We all beat ourselves up, thats for damn sure. But for you , you do so well through out the week. You really give yourself little room to faulter. One day will not hurt you, maybe a bit mentally for you. You are always so impecable in your choices and your exercises... sometimes you just need a break...
    Lovely dinner, Sean. So colorful and I'm sure flavorful, too.
    Keep on, Sean. Bravo to you for just being you!

    1. Thank you, Rosie. I sincerely hold the elements of my continued recovery, sacred. I pray I never go back to the darkness and struggle I was in not too long ago. It scared me--maybe even scarred me. It's why I'm so diligent now with the accountability measures. It's helping me. It's working! The dinner was amazing, Rosie! And thank you for the "bravo." I absolutely appreciate every bit of your support along this road. You're so awesome, Rosie.

  9. As much as I love working out, there are days when I'm just not "feeling it." Sometimes I just acknowledge that those are my feelings, they are ok, and get my butt to the gym. :-) Sometimes I take a day (or 3) off. Don't let a couple of off days derail you. Just keep moving! :-)

    1. Neca--you're so right. Just keep moving!! Absolutely. Those 'just not feeling it' days do come--oh yes, they most certainly do! Thank you!

  10. Sean, I am kind of the opposite of you....always do some exercise but not always perfect with my food. I honestly think that if you are as good as YOU are with your food you can cut yourself some slack with the exercise and still do really well. So you can just get back to it today! Just go on from here.



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