Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 21st, 2015 A Short Saturday Re-Cap

February 21st, 2015 A Short Saturday Re-Cap

I really haven't given myself the rest I've needed this weekend. I'm still not feeling 100%, yet I stubbornly refused to slow down today. I did a location broadcast at a western wear store, I cooked well and had a great workout. I didn't want to miss the Bill Engvall show--so I hurried home from my workout and readied myself.

My plan was to dine out at the venue. There wasn't a way to get in and out of the restaurant quick enough before the show, so I decided to wait until after. Bad idea. The place was packed. So I headed home and prepared a late dinner in my own kitchen.

Now, I'm exhausted--still not feeling completely well, and ready to drop in bed for some good rest.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I hope you get a great night sleep and feel 100% tomorrow.

    1. Thank you, Natalie. I'm feeling much better. I slept good and long. I needed it!

  2. I hope you take today and just rest. I'm a bit under myself, for some reason. Im off to a casino with my son and his girl for the first time for them! They are excited so off I go. Like you I will fight this through, because its what parents do! :)
    Rest Sean!!! Your body is asking you to slow down. Hot tea's .. comfy blankets and a TV for some good old movies! Now that is a day to be had! Be well, Sean!

    1. Rosie-- I hope you feel better, quickly! I feel much better today. I'm slowing down and taking it easy today. I am feeling considerably better, so I'll likely go to the Y again today at some point. --and maybe another nap is in order... Thank you Rosie--be well, too! :)

  3. Take care of that body Sean! It's the only one you'll be issued! You don't like to get slowed down I know, but your body is giving you a message. Good sleep and lots of fluids usually is the answer and you are doing that. You know what to do. Thanks for continuing to write no matter what.

    1. I will, Nancy, i promise! You're welcome! Writing is therapeutic for me.

  4. Replies
    1. Oh, I did, Neca! I had a wonderful nap this afternoon!


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