Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2nd, 2015 I'm Not A Machine

February 2nd, 2015 I'm Not A Machine

Today was a nice rebound from what I perceived to be a less than desirable weekend. It's all about the perception we choose to embrace, right? So, I had two rest days in a row, big deal! For me, it isn't a case of worry over the physical part of things. Seriously, two missed workout days isn't a make or break thing. It's a psychological thing. Any sign of "slippage" makes me really nervous. It's a slippery slope if I start rationalizing a decrease in commitment.

At the same time, I must recognize the difference between circumstances and deliberate/intentional slacking. The kind of mental backlash I levied upon myself over the weekend, even though the situations were largely circumstantial, was more suited for intentional slacking. I suppose there was a tiny bit of intentional slacking. I mean, let's be honest--I could have done something in my living room floor, even late. I chose not to. But so it goes. I'm not a machine, I shouldn't expect myself to operate like one. Instead of wielding backlash, I should have embraced a compassionate perspective. A compassionate perspective is a positive one without all of the negative collateral damage a self-imposed beat down creates.

Intentional slacking doesn't deserve backlash either, nor should it receive compassionate rationalizations. It simply needs an honest acknowledgement and a focus on a plan to move forward and do better. Negative breeds negative. We get what we give.

As I continue along this trek toward my healthiest weight, I'm constantly on alert, ready to defend and protect my journey. I'm aware that most of the time it's me and my choices threatening--and this is where it takes an incredible level of self-honesty. I have a list of things I do that enhance my journey and a list of things I do that make my journey difficult. These lists are not exclusively food and exercise related. My daily choices in all areas of life have potential to affect my mood and mood determines if I feel like giving a hoot.

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I love this misprinted headline. Over 500 pounds! Wow! I share this photo from the archives to serve as a reminder: I'm ready to speak at your function! From corporate settings to regional meetings of national organizations, to your local YMCA, civic club or church. I'm experienced and ready to deliver a powerful message. If you're interested in having me speak at your event, let me know! Send an email to:

I really must prepare this evening's beef and veggie stir fry more often. It's one of my favorite ways to eat my vegetables.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Keep your food in check. You'll not be able to out exercise a poor diet. Celebrating 3 years of weight maintence today. Almost 4 years of solid food sobriety.

    You are doing great looking at root causes. Keep doing that and you'll get your long ter goals.

    1. Excellent advice. And CONGRATULATIONS!!! 4 years food sobriety and 3 years maintenance!! You're incredibly inspiring, Karen.
      My strong point is the food, that's for sure. I got that going for me! Thank you!

  2. Hey Sean, you call it a misprint but you did lose your weight twice...does it not add up to over 500 pounds? Keep up the great work. Your friend, Queen Vi

    1. Queen...almost--404 lost...if you count the initial 275 and the 129 thus far during "the turnaround." I'll never forget arriving in that town and finding that in their paper!! We all had a good chuckle. It was a great crowd that night--and none seemed to care that it wasn't "over 500 pounds," :)

    2. Sean, I would not have cared either...You are very inspirational and sincere in what you're doing...that's what matters (for me). I would've loved to be there! Very happy for you!!!!

  3. When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, the food and eating is definitely more important than working out, so if the workouts slide, that IS less dangerous. However, you know that monkey on your back better than I do; you've lived with it for a long time. If you have a suspicion it will accept lack of workouts as an excuse to chuck the whole thing and binge, then you're probably right.

    But it seems to me that you just dislike working out. I can sympathize; I hate it. I mean, HATE. I'd HATE going into any gym environment and cranking away on a machine while surrounded by people who are not my tribe, and who have been the enemy tribe in many ways. What ELSE can you do to work out that doesn't involve sitting under fluorescent lights and tugging on a machine? Walking, biking, swimming, jogging ... something you can do by yourself, at your own pace, maybe outdoors, where you don't feel like you have to turn yourself into a totally different person to engage in it.

    I may be way off base here, but I know that all that hyper-macho boo-rah PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY horseshit turns me off faster than anything else. If I'm going to exert myself, I like to do it outdoors in fresh air, and by myself without any of that Hans-und-Franz-crossfit-4evah-urk-urk crapola attached to it.

    1. Janis, I appreciate your perspective. You're right--when I don't feel like I'm doing what I need to be doing, then it's like a negative cloud over everything. I can't imagine chucking the whole thing in response--but it sure makes everything a little more challenging when I choose to feel this way.
      I do like the elliptical--once I'm on it. Often times the struggle is in the getting there. Once I'm there, i tend to zone out everyone else--turn up my music--and I'm in my own little world.
      I do think it would do my good to diversify in the exercise department. I've started doing this with Yoga and a slow entry into weights... If I could push myself back into spin class and the pool--I think I would have the variety I need.
      I'm not sure if it's me disliking working out--or if I like the ease of not working out, more. It's tricky. I walk a fine line on that.
      I'm with you on the macho "Hans and Franz grunt style/pain is weakness leaving the body,"'s NOT ME at all. Thank you for this, Janis!

    2. Just don't ever forget that you've lived a lot of your life in weight training, if you look at it that way. Most people can't lift 500lbs if you offer to pay them a million dollars. You did it every day for a long time. You CAN lift weights, I can guarantee that.


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