Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 15th, 2015 Without Stopping To Catch My Breath

March 15th, 2015 Without Stopping To Catch My Breath

It's been an exhausting weekend. Helping a friend move concluded today and included lots of stair climbing while carrying things. The calorie burn was excellent. 677 estimated by FitBit. These big burns the last two days have kind of caught me off guard. I don't like to fall under 1200 net calories after exercise calories burned, but I did yesterday and I'm doing it again tonight, although not as big a gap as yesterday.

The best thing about the move this weekend was being able to do the activity without hesitation, without struggle, without stopping to catch my breath while my heart pounds out of my chest. The exercise was well within my range and ability. It felt amazing.

I tried preparing faux mashed potatoes using cauliflower. Tried is the key word. I messed it up by putting in too much cashew milk and light sour cream, then running it through my Ninja blender. In hindsight, I should have blended the cauliflower, added a little--then blended some more--add a little...Instead, I poured it in and then started blending. It was the consistency of cream gravy. I tasted it and you know what? It was pretty good. I'll try again. If I can get the consistency correct, I'll absolutely prepare it more often. Do you have any tips or tricks for me when it comes to preparing mashed cauliflower? By the way--this was the first time in my life to try cauliflower.

I was proud of my dinner. It was loaded with veggies and that's very unusual for me.

Super tired tonight. Letting the daily live-Tweets take it from here. I sincerely appreciate your readership!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Hello friend.... im sugar free too. Incredible how much that change just seems to stabilize cravi gs, appetite, etc. I think a yummy way to eat cauliflower is to lightly spray the florets with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and then oven roast til browned... so good! Hey, proud of you!!!

    1. Thank you, Nicole. So you know exactly what I'm talking about when I write about the difference! I would have never believed it 100% if I hadn't given it an honest shot. It's been life changing for me.
      Thank you for the cauliflower idea! I think cauliflower and I might just get along okay.

  2. Hello friend.... im sugar free too. Incredible how much that change just seems to stabilize cravi gs, appetite, etc. I think a yummy way to eat cauliflower is to lightly spray the florets with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and then oven roast til browned... so good! Hey, proud of you!!!

    1. Thank you, Nicole. So you know exactly what I'm talking about when I write about the difference! I would have never believed it 100% if I hadn't given it an honest shot. It's been life changing for me.
      Thank you for the cauliflower idea! I think cauliflower and I might just get along okay.

  3. Look at you Mr. Cauliflower!! I'm funny in that I'm in love with veggies and don't really care for fruit. I'm always amazed at your fruit consumption :) I agree with above- roasted is my favorite. Faux mash sounds good tho-I might try it this week. Have a great Monday!

    1. Val, we're opposites like that! I'm looking forward to trying it both ways--and soon. Hope your day was good! Thank you!

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE mashed cauliflower! Tips: Add only a little liquid at a time, I think you found that out, LOL! I also like to cook a clove of garlic with the cauliflower and bland that with it. Some other ideas....broth instead of milk, I also like to sometimes add a little cream cheese or cheese and bland with it...key word is little! You really do not need a lot, a tablespoon goes a long way. I also like to add a little parsley for color and flavor if I have it. Glad you tried it, Sean! Really good and good bang for your calorie buck! I had roasted cauliflower yesterday and may do mashed tonight!


    1. Dede--thank you for the awesome tips!! I agree--excellent calorie value! Talk about getting the most bang for the calorie buck---cauliflower is a value! Awe, thank you Dede. It was about time I tried it, you know? How could I honestly say I didn't like it if I'd never actually tasted it?

  5. Try different times and different ways to process. There are tons of cauliflower recipes on Paleo/Primal sites. Googgle that, but be aware of Paleo/Primal junk foods.

    Here's to cooking non-SAD foods in the kitchen. :) I'm a big fan of Nom-Nom paleo's fried "rice" that is cauliflower. So good!

    1. Karen, thank you for the advice! Fried rice, you say? Hmmm...interesting!! :) This here cauliflower is versatile! I totally misjudged this amazing veggie!

  6. Your "moving" friends (whether moving or needing to be picked up at the airport) are sure lucky to have you in their life Sean!
    Cauliflower is a good addition to your life. Much bang for the calorie buck.
    Listened to Oprah's Super Soul Sunday interview today and he talked about how "resistance" is always there when you are about to do something worthwhile. It is a law of nature just as gravity is. Be prepared and don't let it knock you off course. When you are about to do something great is when it is especially evident. Am going to keep this uppermost in my sight when I am wanting to procrastinate. Just thought I'd share.....

    1. Nancy--thank you! I have a few close friends who I help out however and whenever they might need, if I can. I know they would absolutely do the same for me.
      Love Oprah SSS!
      Wow--that's a wonderful truth, huh? Thank you for sharing! :)

  7. Marilyn from twitterMarch 16, 2015 at 10:49 AM

    My only cauliflower tip comes from a failed mashed effort - but mine went the other direction. I was trying to make mashed but had undercooked it, and was mashing it with the back of a spoon. Since it was too firm, it made 'fake rice' instead - and now we have that ALL the time, with stir fry or whatever. Still haven't gone back to trying it mashed. :-)

    1. Marilyn, I love it that you accidentally discovered the faux rice! I'll need to try that one too, sometime soon. Thank you for the tip! I hope you'll give the mashed a try again...I can't wait to give it a 2nd shot.

    2. My tip, drain the cauliflower completely! Even though it's acting as rice (or potatoes), it's not absorbent like they are. Hashtag watery stir fry. :-)

  8. Hi Sean,

    I've been making cauliflower mash for the past couple of months, I got this recipe from the Wheat Belly cookbook, it's awesome, tastes almost exactly like mashed potatoes. You take the largest head of cauliflower that you can find, break it up into florets, steam it for 23min. Then you put in in your blended and add 2 ounces of either regular or low fat cream cheese, 2 table spoons of butter and 1/4 tsp of fine sea salt. Blend until smooth and enjoy! I usually make mine into 4-5 servings depending on how large the cauliflower was. Another thing that I've been doing is making up a batch of steamed or stir-fry veggies and then pouring a little of the cauliflower mash over those as a sort of sauce, it tastes wonderful.

    1. SF2014, thank you for the recipe! Ooh...the stir fry veggies over the top sounds wonderful, too.

  9. That was a veggie palooza on your plate! Nicely done! I love, love veggies...!

    1. It was, Rosie! Veggie Palooza deluxe! It was a really good meal!

  10. Sean, I have been following you for years, but it took mashed cauliflower to get me to leave a comment. I, too, love it but I am also lazy. I merely zap a bag of frozen florets until they are well done and then mash them with my hand blender and one-half cup of 2% cottage cheese. I also throw in a little salt, pepper and mashed garlic. I can still see some little curds from the cheese, but, hey, it's just for me. Eileen

    1. Thank you, Eileen! I've received no less than seven different ways to prepare them--and this is another! This method sounds really fast and easy! I'm looking forward to trying it again, for sure! And thank you for your readership over the years!


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