Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16th, 2015 Too Late

March 16th, 2015 Too Late

I let the night get away from me. Now it's too late to get into writing what was on my mind. I'll need to save it for another night!

Highlights: Calorie budget solid. Finished the day with 1,694. After working out and an additional adjustment from Fitbit, my calories burned checked in at 483... Giving me a net calories after exercise calories burned: 1,211. I'll take it!

Abstinence from sugar maintained. Excellent workout at the Y this evening. Water goal hit. Exchanged support texts and emails with others along this road. And I made an amazing low-cal mushroom pizza for lunch today!

Oh--one more thing--Thank you for the amazing mashed cauliflower advice! I'm giving it another shot very soon!

I'm allowing the live-tweets to tell the rest of the story...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. How's your schedule looking for the Fun Yoga class on Wednesday? I know your illness laid you low for a speaking of stretch, is going back going to work for you?


    1. I absolutely plan on getting back in tomorrow! Thank you for encouraging me, Chris!

  2. Just wanted to say I really Laughed out loud on your Neil Diamond tweet!
    to much, Sean! thanks for the chuckle!

    1. Rosie, I'm glad it tickled you! You're very welcome!


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