Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16th, 2015 Again Someday

April 16th, 2015 Again Someday

My Thursday started with feeling sick. I actually called in sick before realizing, I wasn't running a fever and there was entirely too much going on to not be there. If I could possibly make it, I needed to go. I sucked it up and made my way into work.

I took a slow and easy approach with food today. In fact, I ended with less than 1,300 and my net calories after exercise calories burned was ridiculously low. But it's okay. I allowed a late dinner tonight. After entering everything, there wasn't any way I was adding another 400 calories before bed. The great news is, I feel much better. About 6pm, I knew I was getting a workout this evening. I wasn't sure before because I wasn't going to go with a general sickness about me.

I have wanted to dig my mind and keyboard into two topics this week and I'm still needing to wait until the weekend. Uhg! Frustrating! But, I'm doing the right thing by getting to bed on a work night, instead. I must remember, my livelihood, what keeps the lights on and food in my grocery basket, is my broadcasting job. I mustn't forget to do what I need to do, in order to give my job the effort and attention it needs. I'm so passionate about what I do within these pages, I sometimes forget very important things.

I'll have the opportunity this weekend to cover both topics in successive nights, easily.

I've been giving more and more thought lately about my maintenance plan. I feel like I'm getting extremely close. These size 36 Old Navy jeans are getting baggy and loose.

Of course, an Old Navy 36 is a Lee Jeans 38, is a Levi 501's 40. Isn't it interesting how different labels interpret sizes? Shouldn't there be a standard of some sort? Is Old Navy trying to flatter me? Is Levi Strauss being a jerk? Is Lee Jeans the only sane one? This is one of the many random things I occasionally think about.

The accountability measures and support structure will remain steady. The calorie bank will increase as will the weight training and other workouts. I'm starting to think about it each day. And that's a good thing.    

 photo 965eb902-f1b2-41ff-961d-e92ffea3019c_zpsmfoxfq2l.jpg
#tbt The fall of 2009 found me on stage fulfilling my desire to act on stage. I was right around the 200 pounds lost point in this Throw Back Thursday photo. I remember falling below 300 pounds during rehearsals. I would have never even thought of auditioning at my heaviest. Getting one of the lead parts in "Call Me Henry" was incredible. I remember hanging up the phone and getting emotional after the director called and told me I had the part. I so badly want to do it again someday.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I love acting! I'm more of a singer but I used to do musicals. I haven't since I had kids, I guess I'm waiting until they are old enough to not need a babysitter through all the rehearsals. So that is, what, another 25 years or so... I don't think I'm held back by my weight, my last show was "Gypsy" about the stripper Gypsy Rose Lee - there was a movie with Bette Middler and an earlier version with Natalie Wood - and I played Tessie Tura the Texas Twirler despite being overweight. Fun comedy role. My husband played the grumpy stage manager. In fact we met through acting! Definitely want to do it again some day.

    1. I love that you and your husband met through acting!! I'm right there with you, Natalie--I must do it again someday! It's awesome you don't feel held back. I kept myself so beat down for so long, I wouldn't have had the confidence to walk in the audition room, let alone audition! Singing--wow! If I ever do a musical, I'm going to need singing lessons! :) I hope you do it again as soon as you're able!!

  2. Happy to see you are taking care Sean! Will be waiting to hear what you have to say about the topics you are going to cover. Please get feeling better!!!

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I'm feeling 100% better! I'm looking forward to writing tonight's blog post.

  3. Hi Sean,

    In my experience with Old Navy, they are a "feel good" store. I can fit into sizes there that I can't fit into anywhere else--hence, I feel good when wearing Old Navy pants. So, I completely understand the sizing conundrum. Have a great day!

    1. Tracy, great observation. I never thought of it like that, "they're a feel good store." That makes perfect sense! Wearing these size 36's certainly feels good!! Thank you Old Navy, even if you're fudging the measurements a little! :)
      Brilliant marketing strategy, without ever uttering a word of it, it's an unspoken strategy. Absolute genius. I bet it's totally by design.
      Hoping your Friday was great!

  4. I read always your blog. Congrats. I hope to read soon your new articles... Get feeling better soon dude! You make me laugh a lot. Thanks to you I found again the will to lose weightI was able to lose weight thanks the support of a friend, that I want to help in the publishing of her blog. It's a little site but she's working hard to share with all who want to visit her her weight loss. Here's her site: feel free to check it out!

    1. Javonte, That warms my heart. I'm so happy to read this. You're on your way!! Thank you for reading mine! I'm feeling much better, thank you. I stopped by her blog. It looks great! She has a wonderful story. I'll add her blog to my blog roll. Give Nikole my best, please.


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