Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31st, 2015 A Brief Prelude To Tears

May 31st, 2015 A Brief Prelude To Tears

The photographer wouldn't let me see Amber before the "reveal" moment. I wasn't familiar with this custom in the least. I didn't get it. I just wanted to see my beautiful daughter in her dress and I didn't quite understand the photo op part of the deal.

I was instructed to stand in a certain place and stare out the window. Amber would come up to me, tap me on the shoulder, then I would turn around and have my chance to see her, with the multiple clicks of the camera making up the sound track.

Okay, I get it now.

I turned around and went from, this is silly--just let me see her already, to a mess of emotions in about a quarter second flat. I couldn't help myself. As soon as I laid eyes on my stunning young lady, I melted right then and there. I didn't hear the clicks of the camera. Time, sound and everyone and everything froze in that moment. My face started utilizing muscles I didn't realize I had as it instantaneously started quivering all over; a brief prelude to tears.

If I was distracted before, with all of the preparations and helping organize the events--this reveal suddenly brought me back to full attention. I could have looked into her eyes and exchanged tears and "I love yous" all night long.
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Unofficial photo from attendee: Walking Amber down the aisle. Once again, my face started contorting in several ways as emotion took hold of the controls. The official wedding photos will be coming soon. Amber has given me permission to publish this for my blog. My beautiful daughter has a new last name: Eakins. It easily rolls off the tongue. Amber Eakins works well. She once had a boyfriend named Gander. I'm glad she waited for the right last name.

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I couldn't resist sharing another photo of this little man. My grandson Noah had a blast at the reception. It was fun watching him have so much fun.

Today has been a day of rest. My body feels incredibly sore! If I hadn't had a remote today, I'm not sure I would have left my apartment. It was a short, two hour broadcast from a big baseball tournament.

I ate well today and despite not having an intentional workout on this designated day of rest, I still received a Fitbit calorie adjustment of 210. I'll be well with that!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Wow Sean this is so inspiring! You mean I can eat all this with so little calories? I'm impressed. I always use and excuse for time for not eating or not eating well. I know I need pre

    1. Candy-- I pride myself on getting the most bang for my "calorie buck." It takes a little time to prepare--and take care, but I'm worth the effort--and I'm always glad I extended the effort. You're worth the effort too!

  2. Great photos Sean. I can't wait to see more. So happy for you guys.

  3. I remember at my wedding my dad met me as I was getting out of the car at the chapel. And back in the car. And stepping out of the car again to get a better shot. And sir please lean forward a bit to get your face in the frame. The whole day seemed to be more about getting good photos than enjoying the day!

    I love Amber's dress. I hope you all had a great time.

    1. Natalie--yes-- I started to feel like that a bit too--but the photog really did well to not make it feel that way too much. It actually felt very natural...expecially the onslaught of emotions--very natural--very powerful. I love the dress, too!!! It was wonderful! Thank you, Natalie!

  4. Sounds like a great wedding! You, Amber & Noah are all so gorgeous--you "clean up" really well!!!! Can't wait for more pictures. I love weddings!! Congrats to all. I too am glad your daughter didn't become
    Amber Gander! ;-)

    1. Thank you, Dupster! We do clean up well! Amber Gander--yes, I'm so glad that didn't happen!!! (For more reasons than the name thing!--bless his heart).

  5. Aww. Amber is gorgeous! And you are so proud... how it showed! Can't wait for more pics. I'm a sucker for wedding photos.. And Noah.. my goodness. How lucky are you for having such a handsome grandson!?! Those eyes. Soon you'll be fighting off the girls! :)

    Here's to another successful week, Sean!

    1. Thank you, Rosie! Noah is absolutely the best little guy. And Amber--so beautiful. I'm a very lucky grandpa and daddy! :)

  6. Beautiful! Glad your daughter had a wonderful wedding day!

  7. Beautiful people, wonderful event and I am so happy for all of you!!!

  8. Congrats, proud Papa - what a beautiful bride!

  9. Your daughter is so beautiful! Congrats to you all!

  10. Aww, so sweet what you wrote and the way you are looking at your daughter in the photo! Reminds me of the Train song..."you wear white, and I'll wear out the words I love you, and You're beautiful".

    1. Jane, thank you, very much. I'm not sure I've ever been brought to tears as quickly as the moment I turned around to her beauty.

  11. Thanks for sharing the photos Sean, they are beautiful and your words even more so. I can truly feel the love. Congratulations.

  12. What a beautiful day! It's clear you're a proud father - job well done dad!!!

    Gotta say - your grandson, Noah, has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen on a child. He's gonna be a heartbreaker!

    All the best Sean!

    1. Thank you, LM! Noah's eyes are absolutely amazing...Like, Disney character, amazing. :) I love that little guy!


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