Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1st, 2015 One More

June 1st, 2015 One More

Today was the day for post wedding errands. I returned the tuxedos, the lights, tablecloths, four Oklahoma White Bud trees, the punch fountain and the wireless microphone system used for the ceremony audio. I asked one of the radio station's part time employees to operate my sound equipment for the ceremony and they did, flawlessly. I recruited help again today, to pick up and return the very heavy system to storage. I had plenty of exercise and lifting way before I ended up at the YMCA tonight.

I almost accepted my activity today as a workout, but I really don't like to go too long between Y trips in fear missing too many might become a habit. I did allow a compromise, only doing cardio--no weights.

It was a long and tiring day. It felt wonderful to seal the final details of it all. The entire weekend was a huge success in every way. I can't wait to see the official photos from Touch Of Wonder. Amber hired the best photographer in the region to capture the special day. I'm so glad she did! In the meantime, one more unofficial wedding photo:
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I'm not sure the weather could have been any better than partly sunny and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful ceremony. We were lucky. Around these parts, this time of year--storms come often and can pop up with little notice.
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A selfie with my youngest, Courtney! I've asked Courtney to kindly wait a little while before announcing any wedding plans. It was a wonderful and amazing experience, for sure, but I think we all need a little time to recover! Courtney laughed and assured me it wouldn't be a problem.

I'll let the Live-Tweets tell the rest of today's story. Goodnight!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. WOOHOOO!!! One million pageviews!!!

    :D Congratulations!


  2. I have got to start following ur meal plans. Looks so delicious n simple for the most part . So proud of u Sean !!!

    1. Candy, It is delicious--and very simple! Thank you so much, Candy!


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