Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 3rd, 2015 Sunday With Mom

May 3rd, 2015 Sunday With Mom

Not that I had any doubt about yesterday being a workout, but wow--today, the soreness reconfirmed.

I slept well and centered my focus on a few things before making my way to see mom in my hometown. I hadn't visited with mom since the day of cousin Dale's funeral, so we were due a good visit. Mom has been doing exceptionally well with her walking, sometimes twice a day. She's out walking as I write this! She reports that one of her challenges of late includes loose clothing. That's a wonderful problem to experience. I'm so proud of her.

We dined at our favorite Mexican restaurant and of course, I always order nearly the same thing and I always follow the same self-imposed Mexican restaurant rules: Consult the calorie budget--then decide how many chips to eat...separate from the bowl by counting out that many chips, the rule being, once they're gone, that's it. No beans, no rice and this evening, no cheese. It's all calorie budget maneuvering. That's why I like to dine at Mexican restaurants, number one--I love the taste--but also because it's flexible and totally adjustable, depending on my budget.

After dinner, the two of us took a tour of our old neighborhoods around town. We've always enjoyed driving through and reminiscing about times long ago. As we drove past our old apartment, F-207, south of Stillwater, Mom expressed how much she would love to see inside once more. I feel the same way, but neither of us would want to intrude on the current residents who are naturally oblivious to the important personal history of our lives that took place in that small two bedroom. Now, all we do is drive by and look at the windows. Mom recalled how she would place the Christmas tree right there and I always recall placing my stereo speaker in my old bedroom window, blasting my favorite songs into the neighborhood because apparently I felt it was important to share those tunes.

I wore a pull-over shirt today. It's significant because I've never been too comfortable wearing a simple pull-over-polo style shirt. It took a little mental convincing, but I did it and it was good.

My weight loss seems to really be showing lately in more dramatic ways, or maybe I'm just noticing it more. Probably the latter. I'm grateful. Not as much for the physical, which is great too, but more for the mental and emotional changes I've made an important part of my transformation.

For about fifteen minutes tonight, I contemplated stopping at the lake on the way out of Stillwater for a good 5K walk. The more I thought about it, the more I noticed how tired I felt--as if my body was doing its best to talk me out of it. My body won. I decided to make it a rest day. I believe it was the best decision.

Usually I'm up late Sunday night and it tends to make Monday mornings a little more challenging. Not tonight. I'll be in bed by 10:30pm.

My Tweets Today:

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  1. Your mum has definitely lost weight since earlier photos. You are a great inspiration to her, I'm sure!

    1. She will love to read this! Thank you, Natalie. I hope I inspire her. I never push anyone in this direction, simply because I remember my experience. And it never worked when someone tried to push me. So i just do what I do--and if it helps--with ideas, with inspiration, then awesome! I'm incredibly proud of her, always. :)

  2. Wow I see a big difference in Mom she is looking great

    I think you did the right thing having a rest day after all you did yesterday, your body prob did need a rest

    I hope that your old place goes up for sale soon then You can have a look thru lol

    1. Thank you, TR! She will appreciate your words, for sure!
      Yeah--the rest day was necessary! I just finished tonight's workout and I'm still sore from Saturday!
      I would love to go inside again. Maybe someday!

  3. Your Mom is so cute! Enjoy the wonderful times with her. Happy Mother;s Day-Sean's mom. :). Good health is a gift. God bless.
    Patti M

    1. She is adorable, isn't she? The sweetest woman in the world. She's always kind, always loving, an absolute wonderful soul. I'm lucky to call her mom! Thank you, Patti!

  4. Your mom taking 2 walks a day is SO good! Staying mobile is a major health move!!!
    With getting smaller, I found for me - it takes time to get used to each smaller size. There seems to be a basic scared feeling, feeling more vulnerable when "smaller". Even some animals and some fish will "puff up" to appear larger to a predator. Is this a throwback to animal instinct caveman days? I know for me, This has been a major "feeling safe" when larger mental state that I need to fight continually.

    1. Yes--mom is rocking the walking. I'm very proud of her!
      Nancy--you bring up a uniquely interesting point. I totally get what you're saying. I think you're on to something.

  5. Aww.. you look like your mama... :)
    She looks so happy and content. Isn't that what life is all about!?
    Nice breakfast ... I'm a breakfast kind of gal. Love it and lost when I get stupid and don't have it!
    :) Rosie

    1. That's a wonderful compliment, thank you Rosie!
      I really love breakfast! And on the weekends, when I have a little more time to prepare, I like to mix it up a bit. This was one of those times when I decided to get creative. It tasted out of this world good!


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