Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4th, 2015 It Takes Something Exceptional

May 4th, 2015 It Takes Something Exceptional

Today was a good, solid day, all the way around. The connection between getting in bed earlier and a better day isn't lost on me. I didn't have a nap Saturday or Sunday and it helped me get to bed at a reasonable time last night. I believe in naps when they're needed. I would rather feel energized for the latter part of my day than not. At the same time, I'm trying to be super honest with myself about sleep habits. Part of me says, I'm a naturally stay up late kind of person--it's when I do my best. Another part of me says, uh, no--you lack time management skills--it puts you in this position, makes naps critically important because you're staying up too late--and then you're rationalizing these choices, further enabling the behavior. So, yeah...that's where I am on that issue. At least now, when I do sleep, I sleep well. I couldn't say that 13-15 months ago.

My dad requested I share his GoFundMe page. The story of his circumstance and what brought him to start the campaign is a tragic one. I'm honoring his request by sharing the link tonight. If you read it and feel compelled to help further his campaign, then I thank you, sincerely.

I really enjoyed preparing my food today. I don't know if it always comes through in the tweets, but I really love cooking and creating in the kitchen. I don't do it nearly enough, as you know--but even if it's something I've enjoyed 150 times, I still get into the preparation. When I write about eating what I like and nothing I don't, I mean it. It doesn't mean I'm opposed to new things, it simply means that it takes something exceptional to get on my regular food list!

I've grown. There was a time you wouldn't have caught me with sweet potatoes, squash or asparagus anywhere near my plate! Now, these are some of my absolute favorite side dishes.

Tonight's workout was a good one. It confirmed what a wonderful workout Saturday turned out to be, considering I still felt sore tonight.  I might need to move that sound equipment more often.

I'm hitting the pillow feeling like I gave today my best effort. And really, that feeling--that head on the pillow, thinking about the day and how it all went down, and knowing you did the best you could do,'s a fantastic feeling.

My Tweets Today:

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