Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13th, 2015 This Day Was Coming

July 13th, 2015 This Day Was Coming

I kind of knew the day was coming. It was in the back of my mind for awhile. The evolution of my food choices has happened, unfolded, gradually over the last six and a half years and really kicked into another gear when I started this turnaround from relapse/regain. I'm proud of what I eat. And honestly, I can say without hesitation or question-- everything I eat, I love. And that has always been a requirement for me. If I don't like it, I'm not eating it--I don't care how good it is for me. I eat what I like and nothing I don't has been a mantra of sorts since day 1 on September 15th, 2008.

This day was coming. Of course, my choices must fit the boundaries I've set for my plan...within my calorie budget, refined sugar free and preferably whole foods...or as I like to call them, foods without an ingredients list: An apple is an apple, an egg is an egg, an avocado is an avocado, beef is beef, chicken is chicken. The more foods I can eat without an ingredients list, the better. Not that all ingredients lists are bad--they're most certainly not. And I eat my fair share of foods with ingredient lists.

I know of one that I consume on a regular basis that is chemically closer to plastic than actual food. And I do like it, a lot. I gave up the non-dairy sugar free hazelnut creamer today.

I've replaced it with half and half and hazelnut extract. I also bought some pure almond extract. Aside from the long and hard to pronounce ingredients list, the sugar free hazelnut creamer contained some kind of artificial sweetener and I think that's what I missed today. My coffee wasn't as sweet. Still good, but not as sweet.

Consuming the non-dairy/sugar free creamer over the last sixteen months didn't seem to hinder my weight loss or create any other issues, but for me--it's time to let it go. I truly feel good about the decision.

Honestly, I was becoming rather addicted to it. Likely still am. I mean really--I would carry around a little baggie of it in my murse (man-purse) at all times, just in case a cup of coffee happened. And having it with me made it more likely a coffee would happen--because I would make it happen.

The foods and things I eat are unique to me and my personal evolution of choices. When I started losing weight, I couldn't eat then, the way I eat now. It would have been too foreign to me. During my initial 275 pound loss, I regularly made McDoubles (no cheese) and a small fries (535 calories) a meal and that was where I was along this road...and it was fine, it was right where I needed to be.

I'm a firm believer in taking care of this personal evolution of choices and never comparing what you're doing to what someone else is doing. My normal isn't anyone else's. Where I am is unique to me and if I try to force myself out of my natural rhythm prematurely, then it'll likely get very challenging. Sometimes I'll get a request for menus. I don't do that because what I eat may not be what you like. Now, if you love what I eat and get some ideas for your own food--great.

If you love the sugar free hazelnut creamer, by all means--enjoy!! And if someday you decide to try something different, good for you! I just feel it's a good time for me to try something different.

I had a great food day today. Prepared my meals and made sure to finish dinner early enough to get on the Monday night support group conference call--then to dress rehearsal on time for the reviewer.

The play is coming together exceptionally well. I hope to share more photos from the stage later this week.

I make room in my daily calorie budget for a small banana and almonds snack during the cafeteria scene. I plan on doing that through the rest of rehearsals and performances.

I tweaked a muscle tonight during a party scene where I'm dancing. Headed to bed for some good rest and I'm hoping it's better in the morning.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I was wondering why my stock in the manufacturer of Coffee Mate went down today. You could have given me a heads up. :) Just kidding of course. Good for you giving that up and going to more of a whole food choice.

    1. LOL.. Literally, laughed out loud, Michael!!! It was time. It feels right. My decision was coming in this regard--and sped up when I discovered some people refer to it as "coffin-mate." Uhg... So the question became--do I really need it?? Can I enjoy a cup of coffee prepared another way without all the chemicals??
      The answer is yes. Ty, Michael!

  2. I'm still not entirely sure what "creamer" is but I gather it's something you have instead of real milk in your coffee? It seems like it hasn't done you any harm, anyway, but if you feel like it's time to let it go then I'm glad you're in the right headspace.

    1. In Australia and across Europe and other parts of the world, I believe it's called "whitener." It's actually not called "creamer" in other parts of the world because the governments have deemed that misleading. Whitener is more accurate.
      It certainly hasn't got in the way of weight loss--but still, I feel better letting it go and using a more natural alternative. It just feels right to evolve in this area of my dietary intake. I still enjoy my coffee--it just tastes a little different.
      I think back to the times when I loaded my coffee with tons of sugar and non-dairy creamer...loads of it... and then I switched to the sugar free stuff---and that took some getting used to, for sure! Then I got hooked on it!
      Not too different from someone giving up regular soft drinks and switching to diet versions.

  3. Sean,

    I am right there with you. I love love love coffee with half and half. It's not hurtin' anybody, I'm only throwing away some calories drinking this. I have it everyday, usually two big cups, one in the morning one in the afternoon. I love love love it.
    Sometimes, I wonder if maybe things would be freer, or more open, or more easy, if I stopped having this everyday. (I never have bad effects, no stomach problems, I sleep fine) But sometimes I wonder if it would be a good sign for me: confidence or trust that I can do it, to just stop having this everyday.

    I like your post, it really makes me think.


    1. Chris, I gotta tell you--I honestly don't ever want to give up my coffee. Cut back some? Maybe. But I did feel it necessary to switch to a natural additive.
      It's one of those things...Do we enjoy it to the degree of, taking it away would be taking away some of our joy? I believe I can honestly say I drink it mostly for the enjoyment in brings me...and yes, sometimes the caffeine boost--but a lot of times, it's simply because i enjoy a relaxing cup. It feels good. And if I can continue enjoying my coffee in a semi-healthy way--and it cost me some calories each day, okay! I'm good with this.

  4. Good for you! I just add a splash of organic FF milk to my coffee. Since you have given up sugar, it shouldn't be too long before you adjust to the different taste. When I was in college, I just drank black and that carried me for years before I started adding a little milk. I have to have variety in my meals though or I get bored. I can eat leftovers for several days but then I need a new entree. There are several cookbooks with meals under 350 calories and no artifical ingredients at all!

    1. Nan, i totally agree--I'll adjust and really get used to not having the artificial stuff. It's taking some adjustment--but you're very right--very... it will adjust.
      Finding your groove included knowing yourself as well as you just described. Making sure it doesn't get too boring is important!
      I've never used recipes or cookbooks--I just kind of make stuff up as I go...I enjoy cooking and creating a bunch! I'm just not very good at using recipes. Of course, it could be because I haven't applied myself in that direction!

  5. Good for you, I guess I never gave much thought to your fake creamer. Anyway you do eat healthy and I see you are into the one ingredient foods,it has worked for you!!!

    1. Thank you Robin! It was the one thing I "eat" that I didn't feel good about, you know? It wasn't hampering my weight loss efforts--I totally loved it...but a more natural approach seemed to be more harmonious with everything else I'm consuming.
      I try on the one ingredient foods. I don't always--but I do try my best. It can be challenging!

  6. I think one of the reasons your plan works for you is because you have built it around your tastes, your needs and leave off those things that are troublesome to YOU. I noticed when I shared my story and pictures on my personal FB page, that so many people wanted to know 2 things...what was my diet and how long did it take me. I learned from you way back that there is not one plan that works for everyone and that if I did not gear my plan to work for me, it would not work long term. I had to let go of the things that were personal binge foods and incorporated things I DO enjoy so this was not a diet, because if it is not enjoyable, it will be temporary. Diets always have a beginning and an end. Thanks for your example, Sean. I continually learn from what you go through and post about on here. Shirley from TN

    1. Shirley--that's exactly why it's worked!! One of the biggest lessons I've learned along the way is what you just described...Not one plan is ever universal. If it doesn't match up to someone's individual tastes and preferences--it isn't going to be something long term. Shirley, your support is golden to me. Thank you!!!

  7. That is awesome Sean! You will be over the hump of not having it in no time. What a great idea to add extract....I am going to try that myself. I quit putting regular sugar in my coffee quite a while ago...didn't think I could ever go without it but still really enjoy my coffee with just milk. This change you are making makes me incredibly happy for you:)
    Long time reader and fan from Canada

    1. Thank you! I believe that, too. It'll take some time to adjust, But I truly believe it's a move worth the effort. I was a big sugar in my coffee person--for a long time...I agree, it was tough to let go... But I adjusted to the sugar free option...and this adjustment to the natural option is taking the same process. I'm very happy with the decision!
      I sincerely appreciate your readership and support over the years!!

  8. Truvia is good Sean, it's from two natural sources ... stevia and erythritol please Google it to learn's listed as a sugar alcohol but it's not like the bad stuff...I.e. maltitol...shudder...!! It's made from fruit sources. Of course there is also monk fruit extract too....that's how I drink my coffee. I will say this though, the longer I go sugar free the less I need that sweet taste so maybe I'll follow your lead and try sans ....

    1. Monk Fruit extract--yes---I want to try that again! I tried it briefly, once before. But honestly--I'm quickly digging the half and half only--even without the's not bad and it allows the natural flavor of the coffee to take center stage. Nicole, thank you!

  9. I enjoy my coffee with cinnamon added just before sipping. My coffee has a nice scent. I put a bottle in my purse, but nicer restaurants have been very kind to provide it upon request.
    Megan in Texas

    1. I enjoy the cinnamon too! I may need to throw a bottle of it in my man bag! :)

  10. I'm so glad you have given up the creamer. It's truly just a bunch of chemicals, and the worst is the partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. It's the one thing I noticed about your food posts...everything else is healthy! Partially hydrogenated oils are super bad for your heart. (Basically they take a carbon molecule and add a hydrogen's totally unnatural and your body doesn't know what to do with it! Go to implications)
    Half and half...much much much better! And I think tastes better too. Congrats on your choice!

    1. Grace--that's pricely why I felt it was time to move away from it-- It was the one "food" that didn't belong...Like those elementary school worksheets "circle the one that doesn't belong," yep--the non dairy creamer. And when I discovered that some refer to it as "coffin-mate," oh my--I started thinking, yeah--it's time. half and half-- a few more calories, but not much--and totally worth it! Thank you, Grace!


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