Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 14th, 2015 Long Day, Short Post

July 14th, 2015 Long Day, Short Post

Another long day. I'm cutting it short tonight. It's almost midnight. My radio show starts at 6am, then I have my three week weigh-in at the doctor's office, followed by a big location broadcast from 10am-2pm--possibly back to work at that point, then dress rehearsal for my play again tomorrow night!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be my most challenging day of the week.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. It's so hard to plan and eat right when you are that busy, but you do it so well #jelly

    1. FFF, awe--thank you! It takes some very intentional choices and actions, for sure! You can do it, too, I promise you can! :) Love your hashtag. #smiling

  2. Doesn't it make you feel great knowing you can pull it all off. Keep your food in order, and your schedule. Great job!

    1. Robin-- Yes, it feels amazing when it works well. Wednesday was the challenge (commenting on this Thursday afternoon)...and everything was tested.
      But I made it through...Somehow, some way... Lots of support, for sure!

  3. I feel like I am honestly back on track to lose this almost 50-lb. regain Sean. I look at what you did, and am jealous you're back at goal and I'm not. But I know I can get back there too. Had my first good day in a long time, yesterday.
    Going to a friend's funeral this morning. Lung cancer. She was unable to quit smoking. She is going to be my inspiration, because overeating and morbid obesity also causes premature death and I'm not going back there. She couldn't kick her addiction, so I'm kicking mine in her honor. RIP Nancy!

    1. Dupster, when I read your words about your good day--I beam with joy for you. All is not lost, my friend. You can do this and do it well. You deserve to have the freedoms that come--the peace and calm of acceptance in your plan--and all of the benefits it will bring you.
      I'm so sorry about your friend. My condolences, Dupster. I love your motivation and inspiration harvested from this tragedy. Your friend is positively influencing you, even now. My best, Dupster.

  4. Don't know if any one has ever told you but your food prep is outstanding!
    Is every thing in your life that so well organized and thought out?

    Rosie :)

    1. No--it isn't, Rosie!! I seem to have a natural talent for plate presentation and proper lighting for pictures...most of the time...not always... But seriously, I don't plan as well as some. I visit the store often--more often than I would need to, if only I planned better!!
      If everything in my life was as organized as it might appear sometimes, wow--I don't know what my reality would be... :)


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