Thursday, July 2, 2015

July 2nd, 2015 I Love That Smell

July 2nd, 2015 I Love That Smell

I'm not going to say one negative thing about how I handled today. It was easily the busiest day I've experienced in the last six months. I did my radio show 6-9am, did some after-show duties, made a coffee run, returned to the studio and worked till 5pm. I took pause for preparing breakfast and lunch in the employee kitchen. I accomplished a bunch of work today. And that feels good!

In the weekly Monday and Tuesday conference call support groups I co-facilitate with Life Coach Gerri, we held a special event Thursday conference call guest speaker from 6pm-7pm, then it was play rehearsal from 7pm to 9:30pm. It was a full day.

And I loved every part of it.

Did I want a workout at the Y today? Yes. It just wasn't possible with this rare schedule.

The doing well at work, the conference call and the play rehearsal, these are all things that bring an overwhelmingly positive and joyous feeling over me.

Then I walked out of rehearsal and it smelled like rain. I love that smell. 

I'm off tomorrow. I plan on sleeping in until I can't.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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