Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 16th, 2015 Weigh Day Edition

September 16th, 2015 Weigh Day Edition

Today's weigh-in went very well. I seem to be in a good maintenance groove. I was up six tenths of a pound.
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One thing I didn't anticipate was how awkward the transition would feel at times. Maintenance mode requires me to eat considerably more (2300 calories a day) and I'm not complaining at all. I'm simply saying, it feels like too much some times. I have to remind myself to be okay. In this self-assurance, I'm reminded that my continued food sobriety (no binge eating), abstinence from refined sugar and continued practice of solid recovery principles & actions, including staying solidly connected in active support circles, are my measuring sticks. Not the calorie budget and not the scale. It's a different perspective. I'm doing well, it just takes a slight adjustment.

The added calories needed for me to maintain, gives me excellent information about my metabolism. It is working well. As if it repaired itself over the course of this turnaround from relapse/regain. Believe me, the enormous blessing in this whole situation--my reality today, isn't lost. And it isn't taken for granted.

My broadcast day started at 6am and ended at 6pm. I did have my weigh-in and a doctors appointment in there, too. But still, it was a very long day.

The doctor's appointment was a six month checkup and a follow up for the procedure I recently had to remove the clogged salivary gland. Everything was fantastic. I love laughing and smiling with my doctor instead of the seriousness of what once was, not too long ago. My blood pressure was 128/72 and my heart rate was an athletic 52. After scanning the vitals, doc said "your body clearly isn't stressed anymore." It felt really good hearing him say those words. I'll go back in six months for blood work, then he wants a yearly checkup. A yearly check up! 

After my location broadcast this evening from the county fair, I drove over to Irene's house to pick up Noah for dinner out and some shopping. I chose KFC because I thought he might eat some chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes. Uh, no. Not even a little bit. Noah wasn't hungry (he made this very clear-no interest in eating whatsoever) and there wasn't anything I wanted on the menu. So we both sat there and talked with one another while he played with his food. We both had a cheese stick at the store and he did eat that and so did I, as a holdover until I could prepare dinner at home.

My plan to cook dinner at home quickly faded on my drive back home. I was simply too tired. Instead, I decided some baked cod, asparagus and fried sweet potato fries from the restaurant two blocks from my house would be just fine.

I also planned for a training run tonight. Not happening. I need sleep more than I need tonight's run.

I'm hitting the pillow tonight, ready for a good rest and looking forward to a good day tomorrow.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Interesting that the food and the scale aren't playing into maintenance as much as food sobriety, no sugar and support circles. Perhaps the emphasis on calories and scales in the loss department for us should be tempered A LOT. Why do you think the emphasis is on the scale and calories? Seems even by the experts.

    1. Nancy- You make a great point. I know for me, my food sobriety starts with my abstinence from refined sugar. And without good support and accountability structure, it's very difficult to remain consistent. Putting all of the focus on the food, going it alone with accountability and support measures--makes this very difficult.
      It's a very interesting study, for sure. I'm open to exploring this dynamic and learning much more along the way!

    2. *without accountability and support measures, not *with in previous.

  2. ^What Nancy said. The emphasis is always on the scale and calories when you go to the docs... although the hype is NOT to focus on that. It drives me crazy. The last time I went to my doc she said... "OH you've lost weight!" "But you have more to go!" ... she crushed me... on every level. I reminded her that I started at 300 lbs and where I was on that day. I believe 224 and that is what she said.. So to her it was just a number. To me I had worked my ass off to get there.
    Anyway... another vent. Sorry.
    Congrats on maintaining!! Such perfection. :)

    1. You have the right to vent. She should have been supportive on every level, instead. Wow. It is interesting.
      Well let me say--Rosie, you're doing wonderful things and congratulations on your success!!!
      Thank you very much!! I don't know about 'perfection," but it sure is going well. I'm very grateful!!

  3. Hey Sean! I'm a long time reader, but first-time commenter. I was thinking about your blog today when I enjoyed a dark roast coffee on my way home from work this evening. I know from your posts how much you like your coffee, and I'm the same way. I frankly can't imagine life without the pleasure of coffee. However, I was wondering if you have ever considered whether it affects you in not-so-positive ways. I know that, for me, a coffee late in the day can disrupt my sleep, which in turn makes me more likely to make unhealthy food choices or skip exercise the following day. In an ideal world, are we most in balance if we give up ALL addictive substances (including sugar, alcohol, coffee/caffeine, etc.)? Should this be the ultimate goal in order to maximize emotional stability? Or do you think giving up coffee would be silly and counterproductive? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts! Thanks! And thanks for the awesome blog!

    1. George,
      First of all, thank you for your long time readership!
      I'm right there with you. It's hard to imagine doing away with the coffee.
      It was difficult for me to give up the artificial sweetener in my Sugar free hazelnut I enjoyed for so long. Switching to strictly half and half took very little time in adjusting, now I enjoy it much the same way I did the sf coffeemate.
      You bring up a very valid point.
      I think the things we're addicted to the most are the ones we'll rationalize to the point of exhaustion. I've tried to convince myself that the coffee doesn't affect my sleep. But it's simply a rationalization enabling my continued dependence.
      It does set up a chain reaction. If it affects my sleep--just as you described, I'm tired and cranky the next day--and that affects my resolve. Days like that find me leaning heavy on my accountability and support structure. Still, like you--I've had many a rest days from exercise because I was simply too tired to commit.
      Instead of attributing it to the coffee---I'm quick to place the blame elsewhere, in an effort to "protect" my coffee habit.
      I don't think it would be silly and counterproductive--but I believe it might be very difficult to abstain completely. I know it's possible to abstain. I do it every day with sugar.
      But-- considering my schedule on some days-- leaning on the substance helps get me through. Instead of cutting it out, I think some better boundaries might be in order, mainly on nights before an early morning work schedule. Perhaps making the last cup time 5pm and not a minute later.
      I've actually worked on this lately.
      I made an appetizer before a late dinner tonight--and that took my calories for later...leaving me without enough to have a late night coffee. I'll try to notice if I sleep better tonight. I don't need to get up early tomorrow. In fact, I can pretty much sleep until I wake in the morning--which is rare for me.
      I'm poised to take full advantage!
      " order to achieve maximum emotional stability." << That's an interesting perspective.
      You're very welcome, George. This blog has helped me in monumental ways. Thank you again for your loyal support!

  4. I'll go back in six months for blood work, then he wants a yearly checkup. A yearly check up! Lose Weight Quickly


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