Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 18th, 2015 Changing The Future

October 18th, 2015 Changing The Future

I'm a big fan of the 1985 movie Back To The Future. The original movie poster (a birthday gift from my oldest daughter) is framed and prominently displayed in my apartment. The cover of my book features a transparent before picture, a nod to the fading picture in the movie.

What fascinated me most about the film, wasn't the concept of time travel. And it wasn't about breaking the "space-time continuum." What fascinated me the most was how everything we do today, shapes our tomorrow. From the biggest to the smallest of actions, every single one can make a dramatic difference for our future.

No matter our current trajectory, we have the power to alter our path, to change the pattern, to make a difference. Time travel might not be possible. Changing the future is completely possible. It's the very heart of choosing change before change chooses you.

Sometimes I ponder what could have been for me. Had I never taken a stand, where would I be today? Would I still be alive? I don't know. Had I never simplified my approach, instead getting lost in a million different plans and rules, would I have found myself, found consistency? What kind of future would I be living?

I had a good day. I slept well, participated in active support communications, drove a colleague to the airport, had a late lunch at one of my favorite "fresh-mex" fast food places on the way back, worked on writing outlines for future video blogs, took a nap, ate well, drank way too much coffee, briskly walked 2.7 miles in the park and now I'm ready for bed.

Before I go, I wanted to share with you the support group information. Another 10 week session starts November 2nd. For ease and time consideration, I'll copy/paste my facebook post from earlier this evening:

I want to work with you on your weight loss goals.

Are you ready? Ready to get unstuck? Ready to move your transformation in the direction you desire? Are you ready to discover the power of group coaching, accountability and support? Are you ready to lose weight, different than any time before? WE WANT YOU in one of our next 10 week sessions. These groups are led by Life Coach Gerri and me! It's a once a week meeting via teleconference w/daily support via a secret Facebook page & text support. A limited number of spaces are available. Any questions? Ask in the comments section of this post. Let's get excited about your transformation!!!

*DDWL readers: The tele-conference lines we use only work well for participants in the United States. We have found a way to accept registrants from Canada, but we're unable to accommodate participants from other countries. One of our goals is to develop a Skype based international support group sometime in the near future.

To join the Monday night 6 Central/7 Eastern/4 Pacific group, register via this link:

To join the Tuesday morning 10am Central/11am Eastern/8am Pacific group (led by Life Coach Gerri with guest appearances by me), register via this link:

To join the Tuesday night 7 Central/8 Eastern/5 Pacific group, register via this link:

I hope your weekend was fantastic. Mine was needed. And that's a good thing.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I wish I could learn to shop like you. I buy two weeks at a time for the three of us and it's quite a haul. My goodness there's six stores half a mile from my house it's not like I live out in the country. It's hard to think what to buy to fill up two weeks worth of menus.

    1. I shop twice a week. It used to be because our fridge was too small but now it's because I can only plan menus for three or four days at a time!

      I worked out that if the four of us eat the recommended two servings of fruit each day (on average we do, I eat less but the kids eat more) that is 56 pieces of fruit per week! That is a lot of fruit! And 5 serves of vegetables per day... times 4... times 7 days... is that 140 vegetables!! No wonder the shopping bags are so heavy, even with half that twice a week. Ok, maybe we don't eat 5 serves of veges each, but at least 3.

    2. Robin, can you simplify your approach? Natalie suggests a great idea--twice weekly shopping. It would divide the haul into fourths--and perhaps help you take a more focused approach to the store. Just an idea!

    3. Oh my, Natalie--that's a lot of produce!! Excellent grocery shopping strategy!

  2. At almost 300 lbs., when I started walking to help with my weight loss in 2010, every small hill was like a mountain to me. I remember stopping my walk down the road I live on at the point where the road started a slight incline upwards, and turning around. The first time I made it clear to the end of the road, persevering through that "huge mountainous climb" I felt so triumphant that I danced around like Rocky, with my arms in the air, and sang the theme song loudly, oblivious to anyone who might be watching. We live in an acreage development, so I felt somewhat safe from curious stares.

    1. Oh wow, Dupster-- yes, yes yes...I so relate to what you're sharing here. That celebratory feeling/dance/song-- it's so well earned...I remember thinking, for once I'm not going to care what anybody thinks! I'm gonna dance! :) Thank you for sharing this!

  3. I am thinking about your transformation 10 week group. I need change. One firmly held principle I've held for a very long time is 'no facebook' I have other social media outlets, but just have always completely avoid facebook. How much would my experience of the group be diminished from the others who are using both text and facebook"


    1. Chris, honestly--the secret facebook group is a big part of the daily accountability and support structure. The weekly call alone and text support is awesome, too. But the secret page is often the source of most accountability measures within the group.
      We have a member--same thing...and she will not accept friend requests, at all. She uses Facebook for the group ONLY.
      The "secret" group means the only people who see anything you share within the group page are other members. It isn't listed anywhere else--so, your facebook friends don't even know you're interacting there. It's completely private within the group.
      We would love to have you.
      If you were using facebook exclusively for the good of your experience and the group, would that be an exception you might make?

  4. I'm interested in the support sessions. Sent you an email via your account.

    1. I hope I answered your questions well in my email reply. Thank you for your interest!


I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. Thank you for your support!