Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19th, 2015 Tweets Only

October 19th, 2015 Tweets Only

Today was a good day. I'm tired tonight, so I've decided to do a Tweets Only post.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Hi Sean - I don't know if it's the actual coffee you're after or is it the warm comforting feeling from the hot cup. I started drinking tea in the evenings - I like the fruity flavors but there are so many great flavors - and I do not need the half and half. I agree with you on the coffee though - I usually drink 4 cups a day - 2 in morning, 1 afternoon and decaf at night. But the tea sometimes eliminates 1 of those. Just a thought! Love waking up to your blog every day! -Beth in Chicago

    1. The tea isn't a bad idea at all! Thank you, Beth! I do feel like it's the warmth of the beverage--something about it, I love. Except for the decaf at night part (I go for the caffeinated), you and I seem to have the same coffee pattern!
      Thank you for your loyal readership, Beth!!


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