Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1st, 2015 Least I Could Do

October 1st, 2015 Least I Could Do

I didn't feel well at all today. Physically, not mentally and emotionally. My sleep was interrupted last night by pain. I don't do pain very well. My threshold isn't very high and I know this about me. I'm not necessarily proud of this, it just is what it is. I can be somewhat of a wuss, occasionally. I admit it. The two hours of pacing the floor in the middle of the night made the rest of my Thursday difficult. I cancelled anything and everything I could. I did the very least I could do. And that was the best I could do, today.

It's getting better. Thankfully. 

I spent some time with Noah this evening before taking him back to his Nana's house. It's been a very enjoyable and at times challenging three and a half days. We did have some really good times. And Noah educated me a little more into the inner workings of his two year old mind. That kid is smart.

I'm still taking a break from exercise. This decision was made late in the evening when I realized things were improving. I'm going to let them improve some more before I go shaking my groove thing.

I'm hitting the pillow feeling better in every way. And that's an awesome thing.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Is there some reason you have Noah so much? Seems you always take him back to his Nana's house. Where is his mother? Just wondering. The stress of having a 2 yr old to care for probably didn't help with your pain. By the way - We are ALL wusses when it comes to pain Sean! You are not alone!!!!!

    1. Some of your questions are pretty personal. It really is none of any readers business why Sean has his grandson so often, or that he always takes him back to his Nana's nor does he need to explain where Noah's mother is. All of your questions are really any of your business. Sorry if this seems rude to you but your questions are in my opinion out of line!

      Before asking questions ask yourself-would I want people asking me such personal questions and I bet you would think twice before asking.

    2. The sentence "All of your questions are really any of your business" should have said "All of your questions really are not any of your business."

    3. Well you're right your comment is rude to this person. You have to remember we would not know any of this personal information about Mr Anderson if he did not share it daily on his blog.

    4. Nancy, Robin and Anonymous,
      I sincerely appreciate all of the wonderful support I receive. And I share a great deal of my life and experience in these blog pages, but clearly there are certain things I choose to keep private, especially when it concerns anyone other than me. It wouldn't be considerate, appropriate or responsible if I shared deeply personal information about others without their consent.
      I occasionally share information about mom, but she gives me her blessing.
      This is another area where I've learned the hard way over the years.
      I have better boundaries now thanks to learning from my mistakes along the way.

    5. Nancy, glad I'm not alone! It is subsiding. I think I'm going to make it! :)

  2. Man I feel you, I hurt all night long. I got a flu shot, they've never bothered me before and I'm not sure if it was the cause. I kind of think it was stress from work. Was in a tense situation for two hours and I think my neck and shoulders were tight from what was happening. The good news is I really thought about diving into a bag of Oreos before bed to sooth the stress I was feeling, but I did not!!!! I also made the decision not to have a bottle of wine in the house because it's just so many empty calories. I'd rather just have one glass on the weekend like you suggested.

    1. Excellent choice in NOT diving into those Oreos, Robin! I know for some, one glass on the weekend isn't possible--like me with sugar... But if you can moderate alcohol, like I can if I desired, a nice glass on the weekend might be something to look forward to enjoying. I agree--the calorie values on alcohol turns me off, even more than my natural disinterest. I'm lucky in that regard. Great work, Robin!!

  3. Sean,

    Hope you are over your pain soon! That sucks!


    1. Thank you, Dede! It does suck, indeed. It's getting better! And better is good!!

  4. Hope things continue to improve. I am no fan of pain either. That vegetable medley you are doing for dinners looks mighty tasty. I think I need to try it soon. Stay strong Sean.

    1. They are improving nicely, LTR, thank you!
      I enjoy that side dish probably three times a week, at least. It's super delicious! I do make sure to weigh/measure what goes into it--because the sweet potatoes can add up quickly! I will stay strong. If you try that side dish, let me know what you thought!

  5. Feel well Sean! Nothing worse than pain.
    Hope today was better for you!
    Rosie :)

    1. Rosie, thank you. I'm feeling better in that area. Today was busy but awesome--and then, tonight I dropped a platform on my bad leg and bled everywhere... It's been treated and will be fine. But wow--hurt!


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