Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 13th, 2015 So Leisurely

December 13th, 2015 So Leisurely

It's really been a nice weekend. I took the time to rest and relax today, so leisurely. I made the time this evening to drive to Stillwater for dinner with mom. I also had a chance to see my cousin from Minnesota and his wife. It was a great visit this evening.

The one thing I've allowed to slide this weekend has been my workout schedule. I'm going to choose to allow myself some grace on this and get back to the gym tomorrow. My plan was to get in my workout before leaving for Stillwater this evening--a nap, gone too long, preempted that plan. Okay--I owe myself a good week of workouts ahead. You can bet I'll get them!

Letting the Tweets share the rest of today.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. We'll start a famous waitress quotes list. That one was hilarious!!!

    1. Lee-- It was very funny. Mainly because it highlighted how the chicken and beef were likely mixed up in the first place!

  2. Mom seems thinner. She looks great!

  3. I have a favourite waitress quote, well a server at Donut King anyway.
    Me: Four donuts please.
    Girl, slightly worried: We don't sell them in four, only six or three or one.
    Me: Then I'll have three.... and one.

  4. HeeHe! I've never been a waitress though so can only imagine what tales they have about customers! Sean, you mama is a night owl too. My kids know I am dead after 9 PM but you can usually catch me any morning after 4 AM. When I see your tweets, I always think to myself "Doesn't he get bored with tacos everyday?" but I know the answer. NO! I need more variety. Also, is there a reason you never have oats? They are such a good food and fill me up.

    1. I might eat oats again soon--especially with the colder weather. I like oats. It might not be a bad idea every once in a while. I do love the tacos! They're so easily adjustable, calorie wise---and the taste is fantastic!

  5. You are such a thoughtful son. I know your Mom is so happy to have you as her son. And you find quality time with your daughters and grandson. Such a nice person you are. LN

    1. LN, thank you. I'm blessed to have wonderful family in my life, for sure.


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