Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14th, 2015 Whatever's Brewing

December 14th, 2015 Whatever's Brewing

I rarely get sick. I've felt it coming on all day today. I spoke to mom and she's felt the same way. It's not too bad at the moment. I took an extended midday break from work to see if I could feel better before returning. I still felt this sick feeling coming over. My grandson Noah, same thing. Noah had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I might need to follow Noah's lead. I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Today, I celebrated 600 days in a row of faithfully using MyFitnessPal to log my food and exercise! I don't get too deep into statistics, but if ever I wanted, it's all there--nutritional number for each day, every day. And the Twitter feed has the accompanying photos, descriptions and calorie counts of everything. Consistently logging my food each day is a non-negotiable element for me and it's truly made a profound positive impact on my turnaround from relapse/regain.
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I've managed to eat well today despite how I'm feeling. Everything is staying where it needs to stay at the moment, so that's good. I'm hoping some extra rest tonight will help turn the tide on whatever's brewing.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Dont know your symptoms but Mucinex or Wal-Mart's brand is pretty good. This past weekend with the rain and cold I have started feeling feverish and congested..hoping to kick it before the Donny and Marie concert this Thursday. Hope you and your family feel better soon

    1. I agree, Susan- nothing a doctor can do unless it's bacterial. Take some vitamin C and zinc and no way you can drink more water LOL. I avoid doctors' offices like the plague myself- who goes there but mainly sick people?

    2. Thank you, Susan and NAN!! I'm feeling much better physically! Good point, NAN. Susan--I've heard good things about Mucinex.

  2. You look after your health so hopefully you'll shake it off soon.

    1. Thank you, Natalie! I did shake it off! :) (it certainly feels that way---I hope I'm not speaking too soon!)

  3. Congratulations on 600 days tracking that is amazing and inspiring

    I do hope you feel better soon .. Rest up

    1. Thank you, TR! I'm very proud of this 600! I do feel better. I must get more rest, though-- seriously. :)

  4. I feel your pain been sick the last three days no relief in sight just have to ride this congestion out


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