Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December 15th, 2015 Without A Single Bite

December 15th, 2015 Without A Single Bite

Perhaps it was the extra sleep, I don't know. I woke up feeling much better today. I'm grateful. I rested exceptionally well. I made sure to get extra vitamin C today. I finished with almost 600% of the daily recommended allowance. I feel good about it--and I feel well.

Just like last month, we had a restaurant and bakery as a guest on my radio show this morning. They brought almost everything. The studio was filled with pies, cookies, muffins and cinnamon rolls. The aroma of sugar was thick. It was pretty. But I'm careful not to fall for pretty/shiny.

I checked my sugar abstinence number... 593 Days... okay, yeah--I'm not sacrificing what I have today for anything on the counter. It did make for a great interview and effective marketing. It worked exceptionally well last month. I suspect today's efforts will result in the same positive way.
 photo PerkinsPieDrop_zpsxrr6jifx.jpg
This is a clear case of me just doing my job. This isn't the first time. I have commercials on the air for pizza places, an Italian restaurant and several other examples of me selling food. And it's perfectly fine. Food is good. Our clients make great food. And not everyone needs the kind of fundamental elements of recovery I live by each day. I can sell food. Really well. It's not a conflict of interest because food is just food. I am just me. And my daily practices/boundaries with my food plan isn't anything against food. It's a practice in support of what's best for me. What's best for me isn't necessary for most others.

Besides, I've devoured these things many times in my life. I can assure you, Perkins Restaurant and Bakery makes the best...and I can say that with certainty, without a single bite.

I had a great day with a wonderful cardio workout and some exceptional food. I'm not doing the strength training I mentioned doing in my post workout tweet. I will do the strength training tomorrow. I'm dropping in bed within minutes.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Hi Sean,

    Your ease at jumping on the cardio machine and the difficulty of meeting a trainer and working with resistance training seems like it could be avoidance...a self sabotage. You agree? What can you do differently so your mind and self image have less sway over value things in taking excellent care of yourself?


    1. Yes, I do agree. Excellent observation. I can change my perspective and schedule. Making this more important (the strength training) is critical. Thank you Chris for mentioning this dynamic, I think you're spot on.


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