Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1st, 2016 I Can Just Be Me

January 1st, 2016 I Can Just Be Me

Today felt really nice. It started late because I ended New Years Eve super late, but it was a good pace. My goals for today were met. I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, remained abstinent from refined sugar, consumed 64oz water, had a good workout--even though it was a late one and my first LIVE seminar/workshop is set up for registrations.

If you're within reasonable traveling distance to this one day seminar/workshop, I hope you'll consider registering! You'll find the registration link on the upper left hand side of this blog page or below in the Tweets. This is one of a few projects I'm launching this year and January 1st was the perfect day to make it available. My goal is to do more of these throughout the year in different locations.

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The Sugar Bowl was tonight, pitting my beloved Oklahoma State Cowboys against Ole Miss. It did not end well for us OkState fans. It was a great season, though. There is that. I don't think too many predicted a 10-2 regular season last August. The game wasn't good unless you're an Ole Miss fan, but getting together with Amber and my son-in-law KL for the watch party was great. We had a nacho bar and I made sure to have one of my favorite options-- crispy chicken tacos! Good times!

I'm looking forward to an awesome weekend. I'm scheduled to do a couple of short ten minute guest sets at LOL Comedy Club in my hometown tomorrow night at 7 and 9:30. I'm always excited about getting the opportunity to perform stand-up. The stand-up experience is so much better than it ever was back in the day. I can just be me. I could've just been me years ago, but as strange as it might read-- I never considered that option. I'm grateful things are different now.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I hope that one of those future destinations is Australia!!!

    1. I hope so too! I've always wanted to visit Australia! :)

  2. I've been reading your blog for years and bought (and read) your book when it first came out. I don't think I've ever left a comment. I want you to know that you're pretty amazing. I know you had difficulties with weight gain after your book, but you got right back at it and are a great success story. Thank you so much for taking to time to give us regular folks hope. :)

    1. Diana, thank you for the comment! I hope you receive this reply! I sincerely appreciate your readership of the blog and the support of my book!
      Awe, thank you for that. Wow. You're going to get me all emotional! Diana, thank you for your faithful and loyal support all along the way. I'm truly blessed by people like you. We're all "regular folks," ya know? That's why we can relate to one another so frequently.
      You're awesome, Diana. Thank you again!

  3. One of my goals this year is to try and read your blog every day. I have gone back and read a lot of previous posts trying to catch up. I am inspired by your ability to lose the regain and the knowledge you have picked up along the way. I am hearing a lot of things that are really resonating with me about knowing what works for you and not compromising on it. Being consistent. And recognizing that we never "arrive" or suddenly have it all figured out. But rather we must keep doing what works every single day knowing that if we choose to compromise on certain things it could very well spell regain. Thanks for all the great insights. I enjoyed yesterdays blog as well.

    1. Holly, first of all, I want to tell you how excited I am you're here with a renewed resolve and focus. Secondly--You're amazing.
      The daily entries between April 2014 and today, contain some of the biggest shifts in my perspective. The humbling of the regain was needed for me. It taught me things like nothing else could teach me.
      You've written it so well, Holly. I pray I never become foolish enough to believe I've arrived or have any of this all figured out. I don't. I simply keep an open mind and a tight embrace on the fundamental elements I make important each day. I embrace "my normal," and in that embrace is acceptance and in that acceptance is peace, for me. I'm looking forward to following along as you proceed throughout a wonderful 2016!!!


I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. Thank you for your support!