Saturday, January 2, 2016

January 2nd, 2015 Tweets & Photos

January 2nd, 2015 Tweets & Photos

Too tired to do anything but the Tweets and a couple of photos tonight.

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Mom and I visited over coffee after my stand-up guest sets at the comedy club.

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My cousin Kristen and one of her best friends, Andrea, came to the shows tonight!

I'm hitting the pillow way too late. I'll be sleeping in, for certain.

Letting the Tweets take it the rest of the way...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Looks like you were going to bed about the same time I was getting up. I'm a true morning person-always have been even when a teenager although then I could sleep until maybe 8 AM. Also I have a rule about caffeine- none after 4 PM. I don't want it to disturb my sleep!

    1. Nan, I've alays been a night owl. Strange that I ended up being a "morning man" on the radio! Ha! The no caffeine rule is a good one. I'm not there yet, but I likely should make some considerations in the direction. This past weekend, I kind of went overboard on staying up too late. Even by my nightowl standards, it was ridiculously late (or early--depending on your perspective)!

  2. Replies
    1. Awe yes, it's my Christmas themed "Dad" cup! It's new. I love it!

  3. did have a full day. Look like you had lots of fun. Thanks for the tweets!

    1. Lora, it was a very full day. But rewarding! Thank you for reading. And thank you for asking me to be on Regina's show. We recorded the interview today (Monday) and it was fantastic. I'm looking forward to listening to the show on Wednesday! Again, much gratitude. You're awesome.

  4. Looks like a loooonnggģg, fun day!

    1. It was a little too long, but it was very fun. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you, Lynn!

  5. How did your 2 stand-up guest sets go??? Details please!!!

    1. Nancy, thank you for asking. The standup sets went very well. I tried quite a bit of new untested material. Most worked, a couple of bits need refined. It's always a pleasure when I get the opportunity to perform stand-up!! I love it!


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