Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 23rd, 2016 I Was Doing It

January 23rd, 2016 I Was Doing It

My focus and attention today was squarely on this short opening stand-up set for the big Smokey Robinson concert. This was the big deal in my life stream today. I made sure to take good care of my fundamental elements stream, too, although I waited until super-late to eat dinner at home.

I'm my biggest critic. I can come up with a dozen ways my set could have been stronger, but you know what? It wasn't bad. It was decent. I had some high points and some not so high points. When you're doing a short stand-up set for a large crowd who's there to see a living legend and NOT to see a comic do stand-up--and you get a decent set out of the experience--then, it's a good thing.

The important thing is, I was doing it. I was nurturing a core element of me. And doing it brings me joy. If I get another shot at a big concert opening set, great. If not--I'll be blessed with my occasional sets at the comedy club in my hometown and perhaps a few other clubs.

Tonight's performance must have been decent. Afterward, Smokey's road manager asked for my name and phone number. I'm not sure what that means. But I do know, had I bombed--he probably wouldn't have asked.
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Photo credit: K.C. Wright

I should be receiving a copy of a picture taken with Smokey Robinson before the show. I'll share it here when it comes through.

I'll let the Tweets take it the rest of the way tonight. Hitting the pillow!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Sean, Nice photo of you with the mic. You are looking younger every month! Dude! I am glad you had a positive experience. He may recommend you to his friends for more work.


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