Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 24th, 2016 Not A Joke

January 24th, 2016 Not A Joke

Clothes shopping has never been a favorite activity for me. Not at my heaviest and not now, certainly for different reasons, of course. I usually wait until I can't wait any longer. I was long over-due for a pair of jeans, so I decided to buy one before last night's event.

I wanted a pair of black jeans. I grabbed a pair of Levi's 34/32 and headed for the fitting room. They fit. Really??? Size 34 fit??? Yes. I wasn't happy with the price and the fact that "promotional discounts don't apply on Levi's," so I grabbed a pair of 34/32 Lee Jeans... and headed to the fitting room. Keep in mind, with each trip in and out--I'm changing twice, once to try them on--and again to go back out and grab something else.  I know, I know---I should have grabbed a handful going in, but if I didn't need them, I didn't want to cause people more work. The Lee Jeans size 34 didn't fit. So back out--size 36/32 Lee--- yes, fit perfectly. Different brand, different cut, I suppose. Size 34 Levi's fit but 34 Lees didn't. Anyway--the Lee Jeans, after discounts, was nearly $25 less than the Levi's... Such a hassle, clothes shopping, but occasionally necessary. I don't think I've been in this size since I was a ten year old boy. That's not a joke.

It does feel great to be at this place, physically--but I'm not too caught up with it, other than it freaks me out a touch because my brain doesn't compute when I hold them up. My brain says, "oh, those are clearly someone else's pants. There's no way you could possibly fit into these. Oh, really--you're gonna try 'em on anyway? Go ahead, good luck...Oh, wow, they fit...okay, I stand corrected."

I spent some good time with Noah today. I prepared him breakfast, including his absolute favorite food in the whole world--bacon!! I enjoyed some bacon this weekend, too!

A visit and dinner with mom tonight capped off an eventful weekend.

I didn't really maneuver my calorie budget well today. I maintained its integrity, I just didn't pace myself as well. This maintenance budget isn't anything you'll hear me complain about, for sure, because it's generous. And I've found a decent groove where I'm typically at certain calorie levels by about the same times each day. I'm very grateful for the difference in my metabolism. I promise you, there was a time when 2300 per day meant weight gain.

The fact that it might not be enough to maintain is a blessing. But I'm not even considering that possibility right now. I do know that I don't need to lose anymore weight.

When I have the excess abdomen skin removed, my weight will likely be somewhere in the low 190's. I'm still waiting for word from OU Plastic Surgery in Oklahoma City when this can be done. It's the only procedure covered by insurance because of the potential issues the excess skin can create. I don't really care about the rest of it...the arms, thighs and buttocks--those things are purely cosmetic and don't affect breathing like the excess abdomen skin can and does.

My Tweets Today:

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  1. Glad you are considering the skin surgery. Even if insurance did not pay, I'd go super-frugal and save the money. I was thinking you probably never go swimming or wear shorts right? You'll be able to do those things. It is definitely not cosmetic- I have a small apron myself from births of 3 kids and yoyoing with weight. It sometimes itches too so I can't imagine losing a lot of weight and not having some discomfort. I do think you need to have someone help you recuperate but you can take care of that later. Have you had a consultation or just waiting for the insurance company? Yes, it will be expensive but so is a car- think of it that way. Good luck and great news about the jeans. I don't think anyone likes to go jean shopping, even my size 4 daughter. I buy mine at WM- CHEAP and comfortable.

  2. Wow so you're going to do it. Good for you!!


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