Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 3rd, 2016 Un-Busy

January 3rd, 2016 Un-Busy

I made today very un-busy. After several days of busy, it was a welcomed change.

My apartment was cleaned today. Things were put up on the walls that have been waiting to find their place in my space. And I roasted a turkey.

I can't remember ever roasting a turkey on a day that wasn't Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I did today. I found it on sale for 69 cents a pound. The entire thing was just over seven dollars. I couldn't resist. And since it was reaching its freshness limit in my fridge, today had to be the day.

I over-cooked it a touch. It was still good. Now the challenge becomes, how do I use it? I plan on making turkey sandwiches and turkey pizza at some point along the way.

I did have a nice pre-interview conversation this afternoon with Regina Swarn for her popular radio show "Inspirational Topics." We'll record the actual interview tomorrow and it will be part of her live show on Wednesday. I'll share a listening link in the next night or two in case you're interested in checking it out.

I kept my workout simple tonight by staying close to home, walking in my neighborhood--all the way to Walmart, and zig-zagging around on the way back in order to stretch it out. I did a short, but nice round of body weight strength training exercises after the walk.

Once again, I'm leaving calories on the table. This is a very interesting problem to have. A blessed "problem." It's 249 calories tonight. I'm not going to get too worked up about it.

Tomorrow gets back into a regular non-holiday week routine. I'm looking forward to moving further along on the calendar. Good things are coming in 2016!

The accountability and support dynamics in our exclusive Monday and Tuesday night conference call weight loss support groups have been big difference makers for many members. Are you ready to make a difference?

Life Coach Gerri and I co-facilitate/moderate these groups with members from all points across the United States and Canada. This amazing group of people are a team. And we have a few positions available for our next 10 week session that starts on January 11th and January 12th.

Are you ready to join our team?

Kathleen from the amazing blog is one of our members--Here's what she says about the group:

"10 weeks ago I joined Sean and Gerri’s weight loss group, I had been losing weight by myself, and hit a wall. Joining this weight loss support was the best thing I have ever done. It has been way more than I expected. I have been given tools to help me with not only the food issues, the self esteem issues as well. It has propelled me into another level on my road to health. I have tried many weight loss groups, and plans, this by far has been the best investment I could make in myself."
--Kathleen Miles

To register for the Monday night group (6pm central/7pm Eastern/5pm Mountain/4pm Pacific), click here:
To register for the Tuesday night group (7pm Central/8pm Eastern/6pm Mountain/5pm Pacific), click here:

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Turkey is a big bird for one person! I think that will take you a while. And I've never seen white gravy before.

    1. It is a big bird for one! I'll be working on it for awhile. Yeah--the white turkey gravy was kind of an experiment. It was good, but unusual.

  2. I roast a turkey several times a year and I also live alone. I'd recommend taking all the meat off the carcass and freeing some ASAP. Be careful with this so you don't get freezer burn! I usually make turkey enchiladas, turkey hash and turkey salad. I always freeze the carcass and later cook it slowly with onions, celery and carrots for flavor and make delicious turkey soup. I know you aren't fond of soup but at least make some good broth you can use for cooking or give that carcass away to one of your daughters! I do the same with whole chickens...PS I dispose of the neck. liver, gizzard etc...and of course, since I do eat bread, I almost always make some stuffing.

    1. Great ideas, Nan!! I bought freezer bags immediately. Thank you for the wonderful ideas. Turkey enchiladas...Hmmmm... That sounds amazing!

  3. I've been avoiding the shops post xmas because it is generally completely feral and cray here (there are only 2 shops for 350kms!!) - dang it! I forgot about the cheap turkey!!!!

    1. Oh my, FFF!! Yes, the cheap turkey!! Smart though for avoiding the chaotic atmosphere of post holiday shopping!

  4. Very smart Sean. If you ate lunch meat you would've paid 7 dollars for a pound . Here you've bought an entire turkey that's not processed and full of sodium.

    1. Robin, very true. I couldn't pass up the bargain!! I thought--hmmm...I'm not much of a turkey roaster--but for 7 bucks, I'll give it a whirl! Thank you!

  5. Freezing what you aren't going to use in the next few days is the way to go. If you don't have a food sealer to keep the meat from freezer burn, you can use a straw to pull out excess air in a freezer bag. That works pretty well.

    1. Thank you for the straw idea!!! Yes--it's still sitting covered in my fridge at the moment, but I will be bagging it up soon.

  6. The support group that you mentioned in this all members subscribe to abstinence from sugar? I am not at that point to abstain from sugar but could use a support group. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

    1. Brandi, great question! Not at all!! We have some in the group that are abstinent from refined sugar, but it depends on the individual. We're all at different places along our path. This support group doesn't push a plan or anything like that--it's simply accountability and support for what you're doing.
      Now, with that said--if someone asks for advice or some direction with a plan, we'll offer that, too. But the decision to become abstinent from refined sugar is something that, if it happens, happens when you're ready to try it. It's not a requirement for success because not everyone is affected the same way! :) I hope that answers your question, Brandi. If you have further questions about the group, feel free to contact me directly at
      Awe, you're welcome on the sharing part. Thank you for your readership and support!

  7. I have a friend who makes turkey fajitas with her left over turkey. She saute the meat with green and red bell peppers and onions! Really yummy!!!

    1. Oh my--yes, great idea! Turkey fajitas!! This sounds delicious and fairly easy! :) Thank you, Lynn!!


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