Friday, February 12, 2016

February 12th, 2016 Hardly Recognizable

February 12th, 2016 Hardly Recognizable

Going to bed at 9:30pm last night played a major role in getting through today so well. I knew there wouldn't be time for a nap. I did lean on coffee, but that's not anything new.

I made it through my show then ran a few errands before heading to Stillwater where family was gathered for a dinner prior to my cousin April's funeral. I grabbed some cheese and almonds just in case the food selection wasn't within my plan. It worked well and held me over until a really good early dinner.

I enjoyed visiting with family I don't see very often. April was way too young at 46 years old. She was in a lot of pain. It's nice to know she's no longer enduring that constant pain.

I made it back home in time to prepare a good dinner and relax a little before heading to a big dueling pianos show. It was a presentation of the arts and humanities council. I'm a board member and designated emcee at the concerts we bring to town. I knew it would be a long night!

Right after I announced the performers, I walked to the back of the room and was approached by a guy who obviously knew me. I didn't recognize him at first. It took me a minute and then it hit me, Dennis!!!!!  
 photo With Dennis_zps8vwbqvie.jpg
Dennis once worked at a car dealership where our radio station would frequently do location broadcasts. I got to know him throughout the course of several broadcasts. Dennis weighed 501 pounds back then.

Not anymore. He's lost 300 pounds!! I'm so overjoyed for him! We had a great visit in the outside hallway of the venue. We could have talked for hours, I'm pretty sure. I remember him emailing me when he first started. I had tremendous hope that he would keep up his positive momentum, but you just never know. He did keep it up, consistently, and today he's hardly recognizable!!

Dennis even got a tattoo, like me. His says "501." Very VERY cool.

This unexpected meeting with Dennis was the highlight of my night!

My Tweets Today:

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  1. Congratulations to Dennis! How wonderful for you. Is there a blog or article where we could read more about his journey to health? Or maybe Sean, you could do an "interview" post with him, if he is open to that?

    1. Not a bad idea, Retta! Thank you! I don't know of any information available online about him. I didn't really get any updates throughout his transformation. He just quietly went about, doing the work and taking care--and last night was a big surprise. I was so happy for him!!! The look in his eyes said it all. He has a new lease on everything. I'll check with him and see if he would do an interview type thing. That would be different!

    2. Super, I hope he is willing. I'm not so much interested in the "diet" type stuff. Rather, I'd love to learn more of the mental aspects, the type of things you talk about here. I have much respect for him and his accomplishment, and am all ears. :-)

  2. Go Dennis! I love running into old friends! Celebrating the success of others is such a positive thing to do for ourselves!


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