Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 13th, 2016 Temporary Service Outage-UPDATED

February 13th, 2016 Temporary Service Outage-UPDATED

Arriving home from a wonderful night out and discovering Internet service out, is frustrating. I did all the trouble shooting that usually works and none of it did. So I called tech support from my provider.

I was greeted by a recording saying there's a widespread outage and to call back if service isn't restored within two hours. There's no way I'm waiting up any longer! I've messed with rebooting my modem and computer several times. The issue is obviously not with my equipment.

I haven't had an issue that couldn't be corrected in quick fashion, so this is an unusual circumstance.

I refuse to go to bed without posting something for Saturday's edition. I'm doing what I can from my phone. Then, when I get up I'm sure internet will be restored and I'll be able to edit this post and write the post intended for tonight.

I'm not able to embed my Tweets until service is restored. I'm very limited on what I can do or better, what I know how to do, from my phone. I can describe today.

We had a 5.1 magnitude earthquake this morning. My entire apartment shook for what seemed like thirty seconds. We get quite a few minor earthquakes around here. A 5.1 is big and very unusual.

I prepared a great breakfast and lunch at home, enjoyed a fantastic combo workout--cardio and strength training-- then made it home to get ready for my date night.

Kristin and I dined at a Mexican reataurant in my hometown, grabbed a coffee and eventually made our way to the. Comedy club for a great show. I was given a short guest set and it was solid- I have pictures and I'll add them to the edit of this post when my internet service is restored.

It was a great day and a wonderful night.

I plan on heading back to Stillwater tomorrow for a Valentines lunch with mom. Tomorrow is always a special day because it was my brother's birthday. Shane would have turned 39 tomorrow. It's really hard to believe it's been 15 years since he died.

An update to this simple post will happen whenever I wake for the day. Hopefully this "entire service area" issue gets resolved quickly.

Again, unable to attach tweets until the edit. Plus I'll add photos from today.

I hit my goals square today.

Internet is working again!!! UPDATE:

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I worked in two new bits in my short guest set last night at the comedy club. I have some go-to material, but it's very important for me to develop new material! It's incredibly fun and rewarding. It feels wonderful to approach the working comics after the show and get a "Great set, man. You're obviously very experienced." Yeah...that feels good. It's a "I still got it," type feeling. My biggest challenge is to NOT load my car and hit the road.

After I worked with Frank Roche a couple of months ago, he generously referred me to his booking agency. They called with what was basically an offer to book me at the more than 40 clubs they handle. I completely derailed that option, not by saying no--I simply said the truth, "I took a twelve year break from stand-up and now, 90% of my material is brand new. My sets with Frank represented the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th sets I've performed in the last dozen years." Suddenly, the tone on the phone went from we can book you on Frank's recommendation to, okay, can you send us a video clip?

It's a measured approach I'm taking. I'm not doing it for the pursuit of a career, anymore. I'm doing it because it's one of the core elements of me and nourishing core elements, in my opinion, is a major key to authentic happiness. 

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My Valentines Weekend date! Kristin and I had a great night out. We enjoyed a great meal, awesome coffee, the sites of my hometown and some great laughs!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support!


  1. Brilliant brilliant site, it seems I am a bit behind your progress, having lost just over 7 stones (100 Ibs) back in 2012, I find my self having to do it all again now. I look forward to reading your whole back story! I found blogging about it hugely beneficial too. I've now got your site in my blogroll on my own blog for daily inspiration!

  2. Put yourself first. Sleep > blogging. Seriously. You can fill us in later. Onward and here's to making sleep as important as your food template, because it is!!!

  3. OMG! That earthquake had to be scary! That aside sounds like you have a awesome Saturday and hope the rest of your weekend goes well!

  4. So glad you are taking care of yourself. Thanks Sean for always being real. Happy Valentines Day!

  5. Kristin is a great looking girl... lucky dog, you.


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