Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24th, 2016 Chicken Taco Limit

February 24th, 2016 Chicken Taco Limit

I grabbed lunch quickly--a to-go order from the Mexican place around the corner, brought it home and assembled crispy chicken tacos for lunch.

Then, I realized---oooh, I'm scheduled to have dinner out with mom and we usually dine at our favorite Mexican place in Stillwater. I didn't want to eat the same thing two meals in a row! Even I have crispy chicken taco limit! This set up a challenge for tonight's dinner out.

The challenge and the solution that worked best for me, plays out in the Live-Tweet feed from today. I planned on writing a more detailed post tonight, but quickly ran out of time. I must drop in bed!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Replies
    1. It was a good visit. Although that restaurant was super busy and very loud.

  2. Oh my...she is just uber adorable! This picture made me miss my Mum xoxo

    1. Awe, thank you--and I know mom will enjoy seeing this. I'm very blessed to have her in my life.

  3. Nice save on dinner
    I don't think I could resist warm bread roll yum

    I can't believe how much your daughter looks like your mum, might need to do a side by side of them at the same age

    1. Thank you! Those rolls--oh my...I must say, they're extremely tempting. The smell alone as they're freshly baking is almost hypnotic.
      They do look alike, don't they? :)

  4. Yes! Your home cooked meals look better than that restaurant food. But it's nice to get out and let someone else do the dishes.

    1. Thank you so very much! I take exceptional care in preparing my meals--usually, if I'm not rushed, --and I'm never quite as satisfied at a restaurant. It might also be that restaurant dining requires me to guesstimate certain things--or rely on the MFP database for accurate information. And at home, I can weigh everything down to the ounce or even gram--and I do, so there's more certainty in what I'm doing. I also agree, 100%-- restaurant meals are nice breaks...a time to let someone else do the cooking and cleaning!


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