Thursday, February 25, 2016

February 25th, 2016 Prayers For Jo

February 25th, 2016 Prayers For Jo

I heard from Irene this evening. She had horrible news about her sister. Irene and I were married for twenty-one years and her little sister, in many ways, became mine, too. Divorce doesn't mean you stop caring about people. I still care about JoEllen very much.

Jo, only 43, had a bad stroke today. She's in a Tucson, Arizona ICU after undergoing an unsuccessful surgery attempt at removing a blood clot from her brain.

I'm fine. I don't share this in need of anything for me. I just don't feel like writing a typical recap of my day considering this very sad situation. Life is so fragile.

If you're someone who prays and you can add a little something in there for my former sister-in-law, it would be very much appreciated.

My thoughts and prayers are with JoEllen's husband and three young sons, her daughter, who's a graduate student at the University of Oklahoma and Irene, who is understandably heartbroken. I've had several conversations with Irene this evening. She's very upset, as you would imagine. Irene does have a direct line to the medical staff caring for her sister--and that's comforting to her.

I'm a sensitive person. When people I care deeply about are hurting, it's hard to think about too much else.

As far as my fundamental elements of recovery, it was a solid day. I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I had a few wonderful support interactions, I exceeded my water goal by three cups and I made time for a solid level twenty-thirty minute elliptical workout.

I'll let the tweets take it the rest of the way tonight.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I hope Irene has a strong circle of friends and family to keep her company during this tough time.

  2. So sorry to learn of Irene's sister and sending prayers.

  3. Oh Sean, what devastating new
    I will be praying for her and her recovery and for Irene, your girls and her family and of course for you.

    I am so proud of you for staying strong on your food today It would have been so easy to have derailed

    Bless you for still being there for Irene

    God bless my friend and you know where I am if you need to chat xx

  4. Your blog just popped BACK onto my blog roll. Not sure why I lost it for so long? I will be praying for your SIL. So sad and so YOUNG!

  5. Prayers for all .. especially your SIL... so sad.



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