Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31st, 2016 From The OAB Convention

March 31st, 2016 From The OAB Convention

Today was another full day--thank goodness tomorrow will be slower. I'm at the annual Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Convention in Tulsa. It's been an extremely busy day--and full of challenges! My stress level was super high as I tried to get everything done I needed to complete before heading this way. It was crazy.

I handled my food very well. Tonight's dinner selection was full of sauces with refined sugar. I asked for what I needed and received it without issue. I was the only one in the room eating something different, but I didn't mind. My commitment to maintaining abstinence from refined sugar is 701 days strong. I take it very seriously. I'd rather pass and eat something later, if that's what I need to do. I'll not starve--that's for sure. The staff was happy to accommodate my request and all was well.

I was out of eggs this morning. That's how insanely busy yesterday was--so much, I didn't make sure I had what I needed! I had plenty of calories tonight, so I did get some eggs with a veggie and mozzarella omelet.

The OAB Poker tournament (with play chips) was a big deal this evening. The final table included Bill--the man who owns the broadcasting company where I work. He and I became the last two players, head to head--and he took just a few hands to finish me second.

The day will be a little slower tomorrow. Much slower, actually. And that's a very good thing!

I really enjoyed Live Tweeting the day.

MyFitnessPal said I'm on track to be under 200 pounds within five weeks. That's not my plan. We'll see how this goes.

I'll let the Tweets take it the rest of the way...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30th, 2016 Not A Question

March 30th, 2016 Not A Question

This day has been non-stop since 4:30am. I can't keep up this pace, that's for sure. The plan for a refresher nap before a trip to Tulsa and back this evening (duties involving the big broadcasters convention I'll be headed back to tomorrow) didn't happen, thanks to the weather. Part of my job is on-air weather coverage--and the storms moving through this afternoon were just enough to preempt some needed rest.

Let's get right to it--since it's after midnight--I've been home about twenty minutes--All I can say is, thank goodness for good coffee.

Thanks to my phone, I was able to maintain excellent support connections via text messages throughout this rather challenging schedule.

If you read last night's edition, you know I was preparing my brain for a gain simply based on the number of missed workouts of late. Well, after this morning's maintenance weigh-in, I officially give up trying to guess what the scale will say. Obviously, my food plan and maintaining its integrity each day, is working for me in amazing ways.
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This morning's bi-weekly weigh-in represents a 4.8 pound loss over last time's 211.6. I'm absolutely perplexed. I'm blessed--and VERY grateful, absolutely--but I didn't expect this, at all. I feel great! I'm not worried about this in the slightest. It is sparking some changes, though.

I always communicate with Gerri before and after each weigh-in--just in case I need some perspective. She suggested a monthly weigh-in. And I agree!

I'm keeping my food plan the same for at least the next month. I'll weigh again in four weeks instead of two and we'll see where I am.
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Maintenance is working. I'm so glad.

I'm off to bed. My radio show starts at 6am--and I'm schedule to leave for Tulsa, again--at 10:30am in order to be ready for convention activities starting just after 1pm. I'll likely have a late afternoon opportunity for a nap in between afternoon breakout sessions and the evening's schedule of events.

I'll be staying overnight and coming home late Friday after the awards banquet. Plenty of challenges await me over the next two days. From getting this blog posted tomorrow night to food planning--to choices in restaurants and banquet rooms. I will maintain the integrity of my plan--it's not a question--it's non-negotiable. The only questions will be, how challenging will it become and how will I overcome? I plan to succeed.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29th, 2016 I'm Okay

March 29th, 2016 I'm Okay

The last couple of days have been two of the most challenging I've experienced in a very long time. I kept up very well last week, and it too was a busy one, but wow--the last two days have had it all; Lots of extra responsibilities at work, busy schedule at home and an unexpected circumstance or two thrown in to keep me on my toes.

I really should have leaned on my support team a little better, last night. I made it through. And all things considered, I have consistently utilized excellent support connections 95% of the time--and it makes a powerful positive impact. So really, I'm proud of this.

I'm not proud to report that this will be my third day in a row without making it to the gym. I've done my very small morning push-up routine--and that's it. I had every intention of the workout last night and tonight. Both night's, the plan had to be modified midstream. Tonight it was work projects I underestimated, that took an hour and a half longer than planned.

Okay--I'm going to declare right here and now, I'm not beating myself up over this. It's something of a thing--and things change. It's certainly not the end of the world. But it is important for the balance in my maintenance plan. All I can do is pick up and move forward. After all, this trek has never been about perfection.

It's about progress--not perfection. It's about consistency instead of intensity. It's about keeping it simple and sustainable not complicated and nearly impossible to maintain.

I'm okay.

Tomorrow is weigh day. The only reassurance I have is the certainty found in maintaining the integrity of my food plan. The last two weigh days, I've spent the night before adding up how many workouts I didn't complete--and then worrying how that lack of activity will affect my weight the next day. My maintenance calorie budget is 2300. That's a bunch to me. And that kind of a budget relies on a consistent workout schedule in order to balance well. At least, that's my perception--and it seems to be confirmed by my maintenance track record thus far. We'll see together, tomorrow.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28th, 2016 Tweets Only

March 28th, 2016 Tweets Only

Tweets Only, tonight.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27th, 2016 A Precious Gift

March 27th, 2016 A Precious Gift

This was a wonderful Easter. Except for getting home over an hour later than expected, it was just perfect. I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, continued my abstinence from refined sugar, exceeded my water goal by four cups, engaged in spot support communications via text and phone and spent the majority of the day in company of loved ones--and really, that's such a precious gift.

There was a topic I wanted to elaborate on--but this is clearly not the time. I must drop in bed. I'll save it for another night. Instead--I'll tell the rest of today's story with pictures and captions--and the Live-Tweets of the day as it unfolded.

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This was Noah's first official Easter egg hunt. Courtney, unfortunately, had to work today and couldn't be there, so Irene, Allen, Amber, KL and I accompanied Noah to his age group and waited for the huge firetruck to start the egg hunting frenzy with a blow of its extremely loud horn. When the time came, it slightly startled our little man!

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He has grown beyond the 'frightened of people in costumes' phase--and straight into the, 'this is cool,' phase.

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We all gathered at the restaurant prior to the big hunt.

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Noah and I made the trip to see mom this evening. We enjoyed a late dinner out and a great Easter evening visit before heading back home--and taking little man to his Nana's (Irene's) house for a sleepover.

I rarely have a day that includes two restaurant meals. Today was the exception. I feel like I navigated well. It helped that both places were really easy for me to navigate. Instead of tacos at lunch--I made it a salad, knowing I'd have tacos later. Beef for lunch--chicken for dinner. I enjoyed some variety--including an unusual breakfast. Mainly, I enjoyed the time spent with everyone--and Noah, oh my, that little guy owns my heart.

It feels so good to be at a healthy weight, enabling me to keep up with him--and not just the physical part of that equation--it's also about not being in a constant food fog. It's hard to express gratitude and appreciate important things and others, when under the influence of the food fog. Before I elaborate any further--turning this into a big exploration of thoughts and experiences, I better go to bed! Another time...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 26th, 2016 Nearly Tweets Only

March 26th, 2016 Nearly Tweets Only

Today was a solid one. I accomplished all of my goals for this day. I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my water goal and I had a great workout this afternoon. I also made fantastic support exchanges and conversations very important.

I prepared a nice meal this evening in a kitchen other than mine! Italian Enchiladas (see Tweets below) was absolutely something different. Amber and Kristin loved them! We enjoyed the dinner and had a great visit.

It's a nearly Tweets Only edition tonight. Tomorrow, little Noah takes part in his first Easter egg hunt! A bunch of us will be taking him. That kid will have his own entourage tomorrow!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25th, 2016 Titled Food Schedule

March 25th, 2016 Titled Food Schedule

The first half of this day was relaxed and full of rest. I stayed up way too late last night watching Better Call Saul. I still managed a full eight hours sleep--but here's the deal: When I sleep in like this--and it's almost 11am when I get out of bed, my food schedule is automatically tilted and challenged. On a day like today, when the second half is jam packed with work and an extra commitment--it makes it extra challenging. This is when planning becomes super-important.

I had two back to back location broadcasts today--a 3-5 and a 5:30 to 8pm, followed by being a judge at a big karaoke contest involving sixteen singers performing three songs each. The contest didn't wrap until nearly 1am. The top three finishers were amazing singers. It was a fun contest, even with it being way too long of a production. But anyway--oh yeah, the tilted food see,

I had a very late brunch--and that pushed my lunch until at least the middle of my first broadcast. The client had plenty of free food--but I knew the choices there wouldn't be anything for me. I planned and prepared by picking up the ingredients for my favorite, sour cream chicken tacos, and set it up in the back of the station's broadcast vehicle. Lunch around 4:30--then around 8pm, I had an "on-the-go" dinner of almonds, two kinds of cheese and a banana. It worked very well. Add the coffee with half & half and plenty of water, capped with some good fruit as my #lastfoodofday, and I could count this day as exceptional in the food department.

I maintained the integrity of my plan in every way. I'm very proud of that. Today could have gone differently in many ways. But it didn't. That's a wonderful thing.

I decided early in the day that my activity level would be high enough to excuse not going to the gym. I did do my morning routine before coffee, thing.

I'm exhausted. Wow, good thing I was off this morning!

I'm letting the Tweets take it the rest of the way...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 24th, 2016 Throwback Thursday

March 24th, 2016 Throwback Thursday

Yesterday's visit with Jon and his his dad, Bob, was a fantastic experience. They're great people. The two of them stopped by the studio early this morning on their way out of town. Jon brought along some homemade tomato juice. He makes this with his own homegrown tomatoes and a little salt--that's it. It's as pure and organic as can be. Naturally I tried it (see the tweet below)--and loved it! Jon left me a jar of it before they hit the road. He's a planner and very prepared! He has coolers stocked for the trip with some of his favorite things. It's impressive.

It's Throwback Thursday Before-Picture Time!
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#TBT Jon Ludtke and Me--Before--two 500 pound guys.

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Jon and his father dropped by the studio this morning on their way out of town

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Bob, Jon and me--Selfie!

Today was nearly eleven hours. It was packed all day long with the radio show, commercial production, a midday board of directors meeting for Arts and Humanities, more production and preparing things so I can be off in the morning. That's right, I get to sleep in! Which is exactly what prompted me to take a small nap a little after 6pm. I was exhausted and felt like if I didn't nap--I might crash before dinner and this blog post. Besides, I'm truly a night owl by heart and if I don't need to be up super early, then I tend to indulge my night owl side. I'll likely not stay up too awful late. But I just might watch an episode or two of AMC's Better Call Saul. The writing on that show, just like Breaking Bad, is some of the best in television history, in my opinion.

I do have location broadcasts tomorrow. One from 3 to 5pm at a car dealer and another from 5:30 to 8pm at a big karaoke finals contest. I'm also a judge at that contest--and that will put me out there until approximately 11pm tomorrow night. I'll be planning well in order to navigate my food tomorrow. Dinner will likely be one of my on-the-go combos of almonds, fruit and cheese. I will have an opportunity to prepare a nice breakfast and lunch at home.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23rd, 2016 Flame For Change

March 23rd, 2016 Flame For Change

I first heard from Jon Ludtke via email over four years ago.

From an email dated: 02/17/2012

"Hello Sean,
Bought your book, loved it. More importantly, thank you for helping me grasp, come to terms with what I need to do, have been wanting to do, and have been putting off the past 20 years.  I have been so over-ready, just not sure how it would officially start.  My name is Jon Ludtke, and today, February 17th is day one for me. On my way to losing 265 lbs and reaching my goal weight of 250.    
I am currently 46 years old, 6'4" and weigh 515."

Jon made an iron-clad decision that day. He grabbed hold of some non-negotiable elements and he decided, come what may--this time would be different from every single time before. This time was HIS time. And he started--and he did the hard work, he's still doing the work, every day. And his consistent success throughout his own personal exploration displays a spirit and determination I admire. He inspires me with his enthusiasm and amazes me with his natural ability for numbers and personal statistics, while always keeping a simple and positive perspective in harmony with his goals.

Jon is very generous with credit to my book and this blog for helping him get started--and I sincerely appreciate that--but he did the work. My book and this blog--and all it represents, isn't enough for anyone. If it provides a spark of inspiration, it's up to the individual to turn that spark into a burning flame for change. The real catalyst for transformation comes from within each of us, individually.  

We stayed in touch via email and even met in October 2014 when Jon invited me out to Vegas for what became a three day exchange of ideas, philosophy, fundamental elements discussion--and all things to do with dramatic transformation--including the less fun, but very important discussion about relapse/regain--and the darkness of that experience. We should have invited more and made it a conference of sorts!

Jon has lost over 200 pounds so far. Combined, we've lost roughly 540 pounds.

Jon and his dad are traveling cross country, headed back to Vegas. And luckily, for us, it didn't take much modifying of the route to bring them through the city I call home. It was a fantastic visit tonight.
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We enjoyed a great meal at Ground Round--with plenty of choices, it was simple to find what worked for each of our food plans. Jon doesn't do grains, beans or legumes--which means, no tacos for Jon! The mere thought of a world without crispy tacos frightens me! In all seriousness, this restaurant choice worked beautifully for both of us. Otherwise, I would have suggested my favorite Mexican place around the corner! Although, I did eat tacos for lunch. As it turned out, we both ordered the baked cod!

Our individual food plans are different in some ways--and the same in others. Jon has fashioned his to nicely fit his preferences and what works for him. This is a critical point. He, like me, eats what he likes and nothing he doesn't! Jon also abstains from added sugar and artificial sweeteners.

What's remarkably similar between us, is our commitment to continuous learning and developing along this road. And we share a sharp understanding of what it means to make an iron-clad decision supported by a set of non-negotiable elements. We both embrace the concept of choosing change before change chooses us! And we both understand that our continued success requires daily actions in support of our goals. Our transformations are never guaranteed. It's one day at a time, every day.

If you get a chance-and you're a member of Spark People, check out Jon's blog-- His username on Spark People is WEWRTFO.

Here's a link to his page:

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Jon doesn't do coffee, either. I was like, what??? Really? I can't imagine!! I'm smiling big. What a wonderful visit. Thanks, Jon!
I headed for the gym immediately after our visit for a great workout. Today was a great day...and it was, even without a nap! That extra sleep last night really worked well. Duly noted!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22nd, 2016 Better Care

March 22nd, 2016 Better Care

There's so much I could share on this blog tonight. The personal challenges of the day--the triumphs--the support interactions--and everything that works together to make continued maintenance, real.

But truly, tonight--I must take better care and opt for more sleep instead of indulging my passionate and dedicated pursuit within these pages.

Peace be with you and yours. And thank you for your loyal support.

My Tweets Today:
This first tweet didn't show the caption for some reason. It was "Done: 2 cups water and 20 push-ups before coffee✔️. Now, it's coffee time."

Thank you for reading and your continued support,