Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 24th, 2016 Throwback Thursday

March 24th, 2016 Throwback Thursday

Yesterday's visit with Jon and his his dad, Bob, was a fantastic experience. They're great people. The two of them stopped by the studio early this morning on their way out of town. Jon brought along some homemade tomato juice. He makes this with his own homegrown tomatoes and a little salt--that's it. It's as pure and organic as can be. Naturally I tried it (see the tweet below)--and loved it! Jon left me a jar of it before they hit the road. He's a planner and very prepared! He has coolers stocked for the trip with some of his favorite things. It's impressive.

It's Throwback Thursday Before-Picture Time!
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#TBT Jon Ludtke and Me--Before--two 500 pound guys.

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Jon and his father dropped by the studio this morning on their way out of town

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Bob, Jon and me--Selfie!

Today was nearly eleven hours. It was packed all day long with the radio show, commercial production, a midday board of directors meeting for Arts and Humanities, more production and preparing things so I can be off in the morning. That's right, I get to sleep in! Which is exactly what prompted me to take a small nap a little after 6pm. I was exhausted and felt like if I didn't nap--I might crash before dinner and this blog post. Besides, I'm truly a night owl by heart and if I don't need to be up super early, then I tend to indulge my night owl side. I'll likely not stay up too awful late. But I just might watch an episode or two of AMC's Better Call Saul. The writing on that show, just like Breaking Bad, is some of the best in television history, in my opinion.

I do have location broadcasts tomorrow. One from 3 to 5pm at a car dealer and another from 5:30 to 8pm at a big karaoke finals contest. I'm also a judge at that contest--and that will put me out there until approximately 11pm tomorrow night. I'll be planning well in order to navigate my food tomorrow. Dinner will likely be one of my on-the-go combos of almonds, fruit and cheese. I will have an opportunity to prepare a nice breakfast and lunch at home.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I used to sing karaoke all the time! I don't think I ever won a competition. Maybe second or third? It was a lot of fun.

    1. Very cool, Natalie!! Do you get a chance to do it very often? I'd like to do it more--although when it comes to singing in front of people---I'm VERY VERY shy. I can speak all day long. Singing is a different thing. :)

  2. Thanks taking the time out of your schedual and awesome visit! Incredibly impressive how your were able to manage two radio stations, run a morning talk show and not wasting one second talking to us in between. With that ability, sky is the limit my freind. I look forward to next time we visit.

    1. Jon, I wouldn't have missed the opportunity. It was truly my pleasure. Thank you two for rerouting your road trip to come this way. Until next time! Oh--and have fun in Vegas!


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