Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25th, 2016 Titled Food Schedule

March 25th, 2016 Titled Food Schedule

The first half of this day was relaxed and full of rest. I stayed up way too late last night watching Better Call Saul. I still managed a full eight hours sleep--but here's the deal: When I sleep in like this--and it's almost 11am when I get out of bed, my food schedule is automatically tilted and challenged. On a day like today, when the second half is jam packed with work and an extra commitment--it makes it extra challenging. This is when planning becomes super-important.

I had two back to back location broadcasts today--a 3-5 and a 5:30 to 8pm, followed by being a judge at a big karaoke contest involving sixteen singers performing three songs each. The contest didn't wrap until nearly 1am. The top three finishers were amazing singers. It was a fun contest, even with it being way too long of a production. But anyway--oh yeah, the tilted food see,

I had a very late brunch--and that pushed my lunch until at least the middle of my first broadcast. The client had plenty of free food--but I knew the choices there wouldn't be anything for me. I planned and prepared by picking up the ingredients for my favorite, sour cream chicken tacos, and set it up in the back of the station's broadcast vehicle. Lunch around 4:30--then around 8pm, I had an "on-the-go" dinner of almonds, two kinds of cheese and a banana. It worked very well. Add the coffee with half & half and plenty of water, capped with some good fruit as my #lastfoodofday, and I could count this day as exceptional in the food department.

I maintained the integrity of my plan in every way. I'm very proud of that. Today could have gone differently in many ways. But it didn't. That's a wonderful thing.

I decided early in the day that my activity level would be high enough to excuse not going to the gym. I did do my morning routine before coffee, thing.

I'm exhausted. Wow, good thing I was off this morning!

I'm letting the Tweets take it the rest of the way...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Why would you need three songs per singer? Phew! That would have frustrated me. Well done for keeping your plan in tact!

    1. I totally agree with you! In talking with one of the other judges, we both agreed it could have been designed better--for a much quicker show. Specifically--performers could have been eliminated after each round... start with 16, 8 advance to the next--then 4--- then the final showdown. That would have cut an hour or more, likely. As in any contest like this--there were clear standouts from the start. All 16 were talented, for sure, having previously won 1st place in a qualifying contest.
      When we (the judges) were presented with the format--we knew it was going to be a very long night. The extended format really hurt some--because by that third song, people were getting tired!

    2. Thank you on the plan compliment! Yeah-- I know me--and my continued maintenance success requires this level of commitment...and I make it doable, something I can enjoy-- and embrace the structure...and it has significant rewards--certainty in plan, feels very good.


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