Thursday, March 10, 2016

March 10th, 2016 I Was Ready

March 10th, 2016 I Was Ready

Today required special planning with my food schedule. I was the guest emcee tonight at a college talent show thirty miles away. I had to be there by 6pm with the show scheduled for 7pm. I didn't want to prepare dinner too late, so I opted to keep a good schedule and prepare dinner before leaving for the event.

It's likely the earliest I've finished dinner in more than a year. I made sure breakfast and lunch was on schedule and everything was spaced properly to make it work. And it did work, wonderfully!

I'm not a great planner. I'm okay. I'm a good planner, especially if there's special circumstances like this evening.

My alternative plan, if plan A didn't work, was one I've fallen back on many times--the on-the-go meal; some almonds, cheese and fruit. Plan B is always delicious and super easy. I didn't need it tonight. I was ready.

The organizer of the talent show wanted me to do some stand-up during my emcee duties. I did a short set to lead things off, introduced the judges--then introduced each act. During the transitions between acts, I did a little more stand-up material. Everything went very well. My set was solid and the audience was incredible. I improvised several things based on the material about the judges and some of the individual acts. When you can improvise with an audience and have it work well, that's when you know the conditions are just right. And the huge theatre was beautiful! The talent show contestants were phenomenal. One student made his stand-up comedy debut. That was very cool to watch. And he did well. I really enjoyed encouraging him. 

I enjoyed several spot support communications today. There's amazing things happening within the two support groups I co-facilitate with Gerri Helms. We'll be joined by Kathleen Miles starting with the next ten week sessions. The sessions start 3/21 and 3/22. And we have some spaces available. But not many!

If you're interested, click one of the registration links below. If you have any questions, email me:  

Simply click the flyer to enlarge.

To register for Monday nights click here:

To register for Tuesday nights click here:

Letting the Tweets take it the rest of the way tonight...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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