Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March 2nd, 2016 Reflect Stability

March 2nd, 2016 Reflect Stability

I felt very well this morning. I had a decent morning show, a full schedule and plenty of challenges, but still, I felt positive. It wasn't long after signing off, I headed to the doctor's office for my official bi-weekly maintenance weigh-in.
 photo 210.2 weigh day_zps9qwtefs7.jpg
Two pounds down from the 212.2 number last time. This continues a nice and normal fluctuation indicative of a good maintenance plan. I was pleased. I have confidence in what I'm doing each day, but still, it's nice to see the scale reflect stability.

A loved one needed my assistance tonight (and I'd do just about anything for them!)--but now it's past my bedtime.

It's way too late for my own good.

Oh--by the way, big news as far as my stand-up comedy goes. I'll be opening for Ronnie Milsap this Saturday night! I just got the call this morning. I'm super excited!

I've fallen behind the last few nights on comment and email replies. I appreciate your patience! I will get back with you!

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Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Sean, your commitment and ongoing success add to MY happiness and hope. Thanks for hanging in there, and thanks for continuing to share.


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