Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16th, 2016 For The Challenges

April 16th, 2016 For The Challenges

It's been an amazing week. It's also been a challenging week! I'm sincerely grateful for the blessed opportunities I've enjoyed and for the challenges.

The life stream presented many challenges this week: Planning around unusual schedules, being in unfamiliar places, increased responsibilities at work, navigating two consecutive super long and super busy days and rounding out the week performing four stand-up shows at the comedy club in my hometown.

The fundamental element stream ran well, in the background of my life, with its non-negotiable elements completely honored and kept each day, very well.

There were some close calls.

My life stream and fundamental elements stream must always run parallel to one another. When the life stream gets too thick and starts crowding the fundamental elements stream, that's when things can get dicey.

I found myself reaching for critically needed spot support via text and call twice. I haven't had two "criticals" in one week in a very long time. But again, it was challenging. And reaching for support instead of excess food is a big part of the plan that keeps me well. I've always heard, "It isn't what happens to us, it's how we handle what's happening." That's truth. The support exchanges provided much needed perspective--and almost like magic, the challenges quickly become manageable again.

The week started with a trip to New York and Today on NBC!
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The week ended with four performances at LOL Comedy Club in my hometown
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Working with comedians Robert Hawkins (left) and Bob Khosravi (right) was truly a pleasure. They're both incredible!!

Peggy writes:
"Love the new mug. Keep up the good work. I'm not fully committed to a plan yet but every day I read your blog and it's wearing off on me how easy and how hard it is to have integrity, determination, a plan in place and you make it sound like fun as well as a challenge to be met."

My Reply:
"That mug instantly became my favorite! Thank you, Peggy! 
I'm glad you're coming here each day. You'll find yourself along the way. Being okay with where you are--even when it's diametrically opposed to your goals, dreams and desires, provides a more stable foundation for you to move forward--and in my experience, that compassionate self-embrace actually provides the peaceful stability needed for a clearer perspective moving forward. You're alright!
Making the challenges of it all fun--and enjoyable, yes yes and YES! 
When you wake for the day, do you dread the plan or do you look forward to it with enthusiasm--because you know where it's taking you? Finding ways to structure your plan in a way you can enjoy and genuinely look forward to each day, is key!! And not just because you know where it's taking you--also because you've designed it--customized to your "personal settings,"--your likes, dislikes--and nature."

I planned today well. I also made it a refreshingly restful day. I plan on catching up on some needed rest--and best of all, I plan on the upcoming week being much less challenging.

The challenging times are a test. I feel very confident in concluding: This time, I passed! I'll bring the same tools to the next challenge!

Today's Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. What a great week you had Sean. Congrats on all you have achieved. I, more than some, realize what dedication and commitment it takes. There is a fat person living inside of us forever, wanting to take over our lives again. You give me inspiration that I can beat this second regain. It's down to just 35 pounds to lose now and by reading your blog daily to keep me motivated, I think I can do it!! For now, bask in the glory of the week you just had. You deserve all the accolades!

  2. I normally don't look to the right or the left of your blog, but this morning I scanned down low enough to see the video blog you started a few months back. I'm excited for your life to settle down enough to pick up some of these other projects that seemed so important to you.


I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. Thank you for your support!