Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15th, Rest Of The Way

April 15th, Rest Of The Way

I made it through one more day having maintained the integrity of my of my maintenance calorie budget. abstinence from refined sugar and once again I exceeded my water goal.

But it wasn't easy.

The schedule was overbooked from the beginning. It wasn't until I was on the road to the comedy club in my hometown when I was able to take a deep breath--sip on my coffee and get ready for an awesome night of stand-up.

I really enjoyed my sets this evening.

On my way home tonight, I promised myself I would post a quick update and allow the Tweets to take it the rest of the way.

I'm doing just that.

Today's Live-Twitter feed:

Thank you for reading and your contued support.


  1. Love the new mug. Keep up the good work. I'm not fully committed to a plan yet but every day I read your blog and it's wearing off on me how easy and how hard it is to have integrity, determination, a plan in place and you make it sound like fun as well as a challenge to be met. Peggy

    1. That mug instantly became my favorite! Thank you, Peggy!
      I'm glad you're coming here each day. You'll find yourself along the way. Being okay with where you are--even when it's diametrically opposed to your goals, dreams and desires, provides a more stable foundation for you to move forward--and in my experience, that compassionate self-embrace actually provides the peaceful stability needed for a clearer perspective moving forward. You're alright, Mrs. Kirk!
      Making the challenges of it all fun--and enjoyable, yes yes and YES!
      When you wake for the day, do you dread the plan or do you look forward to it with enthusiasm--because you know where it's taking you? Finding ways to structure your plan in a way you can enjoy and genuinely look forward to each day, is key!!

    2. ...and not just because you know where it's taking you--also because you've designed it--customized to your "personal settings,"--your likes, dislikes--and nature.


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