Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 24th, 2016 Fantastic Experience

April 24th, 2016 Fantastic Experience

Today started early for travel a little over an hour away. I met a good friend of mine, Dave May, for our dual speaking engagement. This was a concept presentation where we weaved our stories together, focusing on the spiritual, mental and emotional elements of transformation. We incorporated sketch comedy, stand-up comedy, Dave's ventriloquism and I think it's safe to say, some improvisation! This was our first time to do anything like this together. It was a fantastic experience! We plan on refining the program and doing more of these type events. A big thank you to Bartlesville First Church for having us!
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We developed the program together mostly via phone, with one in person run through yesterday.

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I was determined to spend some time with Noah this weekend--even if just dinner and a trip to the park, and that's exactly what we did tonight. We invited Irene (aka Nana) and Allen along for the adventure! It was a wonderful way to wrap up an amazing day.

I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I exceeded my water goal by 32oz. I had a decent calorie burn simply from my activity level, so I made the call to make today a rest day from a workout--except of course, for the #morningdeal.

I'm hitting the pillow exceptionally early for me. And that's a great thing. I'm super-tired.

Today's Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Grandson is just adorable! Looked like a fantastic day!

  2. I would have enjoyed being at the talk you did. I'm sure it was interesting.I have my grandson over for a sleepover tonite. Those little people sure are sweet aren't they? Robin W.

  3. Oh man.... I so wished I could have been there tonight sounds like a fantastic presentation

    Glad you got your Noah fix 😊

  4. There's nothing kind and generous about the constant stream of sugar and flour that contributes to obesity and diabetes. It's just another day on the sugar train for those obese (40% of obese persons are estimated to be food addicts).

    I beg of you NOT to continue to post trigger photos. Your readership is >40% of food addicts- either in active addiction or in 1 hour to 20 or 30 years of abstinence.

    Please reconsider your practice. If I took photos of all the food I didn't eat- well, it shows why theres an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

    Reconsider the deep whys of the pie. Thank you. I really like directing people to your blog, but not with binge triggers. Great group topic. The practice of photographing junk food is endemic in the obesity epidemic- IMO.


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