Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 23rd, 2016 We're Not Alone

April 23rd, 2016 We're Not Alone

I've spent a lot of time today preparing for tomorrow's speaking event. If you're near Bartlesville, Oklahoma tomorrow, join us at Bartlesville First Church-4715 Price Road at 1pm! It's not a church service, it's a special event--and of course, it's free. This speaking engagement is very different from any other I've done. I've teamed up with a good friend of mine who has nearly thirty years recovery/sobriety from drugs and alcohol. We share the stage almost the entire time, weaving our stories together piece by piece--finding parallels, highlighting epiphanies and sharing a powerful story of hope that transcends weight or sobriety issues. We also share practical ways anyone can apply these transformative perspectives in their own lives. I can't wait to see how this unfolds in front of an audience.

I'm keeping tonight's edition short. The alarm is set alarmingly early!! But before I go...

Big thank yous to a few people who emailed me about the last few blog posts and how those perspectives resonated deeply. You know who you are. Thank you for sharing with me. I'm honored. I write what I write, explore what I explore and share what I share, to help me better understand, me. And when someone expresses how these explorations helped them better understand themselves--wow, it's a huge bonus and seriously, I can't even articulate the level of fulfillment--the absolute joy that comes with feeling, in some way, this very real--open and honest thing is helping someone's simply the greatest feeling.

I've said it/written it time and time again--our methods of weight loss might be different, our life history might be worlds apart, our circumstances couldn't be more different--- and still, we can relate on the the deepest, most transformative levels, like you wouldn't believe. I think that speaks to the universal truth of it all. Because truth is truth, it doesn't change, everything around it can change--but the truth stands strong right in the middle. And in this we find community and we discover, these feelings, these struggles--they're not unique to any one of us. And in this, we realize, we're not alone, ever. 

I did get to see my little Noah briefly this afternoon. I plan on seeing him more tomorrow evening. He got a haircut today and by golly, I didn't think it was possible, but that kiddo is even more adorable with his new cut!

Letting the Tweets take it the rest of the way...

Today's Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Sean, I wish I lived near Bartlesville so I could come hear you speak. I relate well to other addicts, because as far as I'm concerned food is as much an addiction as smoking or drugs are. Good luck, although I know you won't need it. You inspire so many of us every day through your blog! Might be time for yet another book, about your latest journey, I know hearing about what you've done and continue to do, motivates me on my own path to re-lose my regain, I'm sure it would help many others as well.


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