Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 27th, 2016 Toward Dreamland

April 27th, 2016 Toward Dreamland

I'm still playing catch up on rest after yesterday's super-long day. I couldn't keep from a good nap this afternoon and now, I just took some melatonin and I'm ready for it to assist in escorting me toward dreamland very soon.

I have a doctor's appointment in the morning. I'll be meeting with Dr. Wilcox to go over the complete profile of numbers from last weeks blood lab workup. I love my doctor for many reasons--and mainly because he makes/takes the time to explain things well. I look forward to sharing the numbers in tomorrow night's edition. The numbers are extra interesting to me considering the records I've kept via MyFitnessPal and Twitter the last two years. I suppose it offers a clearer cause/effect understanding type dynamic. I have high hopes for great numbers. We'll see!

The next couple of days will be busy. Aside from regular morning show/production duties, I'm the guest speaker at AMBUCS immediately after my visit with the doctor, then I'm the guest stadium announcer late tomorrow afternoon for the high school baseball team senior night introductions. Immediately after the baseball team introductions, I'll be doing an opening stand-up performance at the Oscars themed Hospice Volunteer Awards Banquet--then Friday afternoon, I'm joining family in helping my oldest daughter and her husband move into their new house...followed by another opening stand-up comedy performance for the Arts and Humanities Council's Dead Metal Society rock and roll concert!

The good news--my weekend is fairly clear of set obligations--and to me, that means more opportunities to catch up on some projects needing my attention and of course, extra rest!!!

Speaking of rest--I'll allow the Tweets to take it the rest of the way tonight. I'm hitting the pillow!

Today's Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Your food always looks amazing! But I notice every day is eggs. I am allergic to them. What might you recommend that would be high in protein for breakfast as a good substitute? I try not to eat too much meat. Thanks


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