Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June 8th, 2016 Big Weigh-In

June 8th, 2016 Big Weigh-In

I'm doing an "almost Tweets only" tonight. It was weigh day.
 photo 203.8 weigh day_zpsf6lzm8jf.jpg
Monthly Maintenance Weigh-In: 3.2 pound loss since May 4th's weigh-in. 203.8 represents an all-time adult low (actually since 10 years old). It brings my overall weight loss to 301.2 pounds- having lost 59.6% of my previous 505 pounds. ‪#‎blessed‬ & ‪#‎grateful‬

I wasn't able to post my blog late afternoon. And I completely obliterated my planned bedtime. I'm not going to dwell on this at all. At least not tonight. I worked this evening, a little later than I planned. Had a late dinner, too. Long day. I'm looking forward to a break from this schedule. I'll be taking one very soon.

I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar and I exceeded my water budget by thirty-two ounces.

I'll write more tomorrow about this weigh-in. I certainly wasn't expecting a 3.2 pound loss. I feel really well.

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Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Oh Sean, I still cannot get my head around that 300 lbs. lost number. What an incredible feat! You should be so very proud, especially since you have embraced what you need to do to keep it off, which we both know is the real FEAT! You are my inspiration, and I am in awe!!!

  2. You wrote -
    "Monthly Maintenance Weigh-In: 3.2 pound loss since May 4th's weigh-in. 203.8 represents an all-time adult low (actually since 10 years old). It brings my overall weight loss to 301.2 pounds- having lost 59.6% of my previous 505 pounds."

    A lot of people's eyes went to that 300 plus pounds number.

    My eyes went to the "10 years old".

    And I have not been able to get it out of my head.

    I would love to see a post on what would have helped you at age ten. A positive post. A, specific things that would have made a difference in teaching kids how to eat for life, post.

    One of my pet peeves is people thinking "kids food". Of teaching their kids to eat food that is not going to serve them well for the rest of their life. Almost all the habits in our lives come from our family of origin and start when we are born.


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