Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13th, 2016 A Position To Improve

September 13th, 2016 A Position To Improve

I had trouble sleeping last night. A bad dream--the same kind that fueled panic attacks last week, left me tossing and turning and taking deep breaths and doing everything I could to calm down and be okay. In the spirit of taking good care, I made a doctor's appointment for Friday morning. Making that appointment was a good step. Fortunately, I didn't have major panic attacks today. A few minor tremblors, if you will. But nothing like last week's.

I woke up late, contacted a colleague to fill in on my show until I could arrive--and dived into my morning routine. I had to decide that today wasn't going to go down as a bad day based on this start. From the moment I started the elements of my morning, the day was in a position to improve.

The day did improve. I had a good rest of my show, I accomplished some good production work and I prepared some great meals. I was absolutely thrilled and honored to be a guest this afternoon on the Half Size Me Podcast with Heather Robertson. The episode will be released in about 4-6 weeks. My goodness, she does amazing work! We had a fantastic conversation all the way through. If you're not familiar with Heather, I encourage you to check out www.halfsizeme.com

Speaking of podcasts. My new Podcast Episode 1 will debut later this week!

I grabbed a necessary nap before a busy evening--and that was good. Dinner tonight was an absolute pleasure to prepare.

My friend Jon in Wisconsin celebrated a big day today. It was his 1,000th day of abstinence from refined sugar. His incredible transformation has been a wonderful thing to witness. His approach is fascinating to me. You see, Jon is a numbers guy. He's a statistics guru. And this right here is a perfect example of what works for me, may not work for you! Because if I tried to keep the numbers Jon keeps so easily, I'd lose my mind!

I've enjoyed conversations with Jon where we talked about his love of numbers and statistics and I remember him using words like, "passion" and "joy." He's exceptionally gifted. That's when I knew, he had designed a plan that fits him very well. And it's working beautifully. The analytics he extracts from his transformation experience is on par with clinical studies, in my opinion. He's super inspiring. He once weighed over 550 pounds. He now weighs 286. Amazing, Jon! Check out this picture:
 photo IMG_4812_zpsjyc9fl4b.jpg
Jon makes me look short. Well done, my friend, well done!

Jon's latest Spark People blog post from today goes into the numbers and a whole lot more behind his incredible story. I hope you'll give it a click and check him out!

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I stayed connected with solid support and I exceeded my daily water goal.

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Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sean! For all the kind words and its and honor to be featured in your incredible blog. Your food looks amazingly good!


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