Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 14th, 2016 I'll Be Prepared

September 14th, 2016 I'll Be Prepared

I fully deserve a big eye roll after this next sentence. I'm quickly reaching the point where I must get super honest with myself about sleep. I need a crash course on time management before I crash! Actually, no--I'm not going to try to make it something I need to "figure out" before I take action. I didn't lose weight that way. I took action then learned along the way. I'm still learning. That doesn't stop.

I'm going to bed. I'll be in bed by 9:30pm. Tomorrow's schedule will demand the best of me. I have my radio show 6-9am, post-show production until 9:45, then my first day as host of a TV show for the school system at 10am (excited and nervous about this one. What will I do with my hands?), A location recording session at 11am, a board meeting for Arts and Humanities at noon, return to studio for lunch and production work from 1-3:30pm, then drive 25 minutes to do a 4-6pm location broadcast at the big county fair. Two other commitments will keep me busy until 8pm tomorrow evening. Who schedules my day like this??? I want to meet with them immediately!!! 

Oh wait... it was me. 

Tomorrow's schedule isn't typical. It's just tomorrow. It's rarely packed to that degree.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I met my daily water goal, I prepared some good food and I stayed connected with good support.

Tomorrow will be exceptionally challenging. I'll be prepared.

Goodnight Moon!

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Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I just found your blog - very inspiring stuff! I look forward to learning from your progress!

  2. You wrote, "Tomorrow's schedule isn't typical. It's just tomorrow. It's rarely packed to that degree."

    I think it's hard for you to objectively see just how packed your schedules really are. You need a life coach. LOL.


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