Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10th, 2016 Find A Balance

October 10th, 2016 Find A Balance

I was nodding off in an important afternoon meeting today. Not good. The owner of the broadcasting empire--the man who signs my check, also let me know, with a smile--that he knows what time I go to bed--because Facebook timestamps the post. I'm smart enough to realize, his knowing smile cannot be and shouldn't be mistaken for some kind of indifference or acceptance of what often ends up affecting my overall job performance. In other words, I've got to stop talking and start doing, in the sleep department. The owner of the station has accommodated me and my life for well over a decade. He's been very good to me. But I also know--business is business, and I know there's plenty of talented radio people that would love my position, and most of them don't have an outside of work interest they're passionate about each and every day, like I do. And I do. And it's critically important to me. So is my broadcasting career. So, I'll find a balance.

I had a great day, otherwise. My food was exceptional. I really enjoyed tonight's support group call. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's release of Transformation Planet episode 4. If you haven't checked out Pam Holmes on episode 3, I hope you will. Maybe you haven't listened to any of the episodes!! Well, let's fix that! You can find Transformation Planet in iTunes for iPhone and in the Google Play store for android. Please subscribe and new episodes will automatically deliver to your device. If you're on the full web version of this blog, the episodes are listed on the left-hand side bar, just click and listen directly, if you prefer.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I met my daily water goal. And I stayed connected with solid support connections.

Headed to the pillow--much earlier than usual. Hey--it's a good start, right?

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. We were once night owls. Now... dinner is at 6 pm, dishes done by 7 pm and we take one 10 mg melatonin at 8 pm. No coffee after 3pm. I am just saying these things worked for us. We are in bed at 9 pm and wake naturally in time for work. Your boss sounds like a very nice guy; you are both lucky.

  2. My cell phone is turned off at 9 pm and it is left to re-charge in the kitchen where I don't think about it at night. I hope this helps.


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