Sunday, October 9, 2016

October 9th, 2016 900 Days

October 9th, 2016 900 Days

My initial 275-pound weight loss was done without ever logging a single thing. I kept a running total in my head every single day. I always knew where I stood. After going through a very difficult, eye-opening 164 pound relapse/regain, I realized I needed a stronger approach. This is very much an example of how we develop in a natural way. It took almost losing everything for me to fully appreciate how much I needed structure in my approach. Then, instead of defiance, I embraced acceptance. I made logging everything a daily non-negotiable. This one element has had a tremendously positive impact on my progress. It's given me a sense of certainty and stability. It's good accountability--the kind that attracts support. I didn't realize today was a milestone day for me in MFP until a support friend texted and congratulated me on 900 days in a row!
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Now, logging isn't considered a chore. It's what I do, in real time--before I eat, every time I eat. It's simply what I do. I make it important. And it gets easier and easier. It gets easier because MFP is always learning with every single entry. It remembers everything I enter--so when I have that food again, all I need to do is tap it and modify the amount. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. It's one of my non-negotiable elements and because of that, it helps keep me well. And that's the bottom line. What I do each day goes far beyond simply maintaining a healthy body weight.

Today was a rest day in so many ways. I decided to take a day and simply sleep as much as I could and do minimal extras. I did record a fantastic interview with an over-the-road trucker who's lost 330 pounds. That interview is featured on the next episode of my podcast, Transformation Planet. I also enjoyed a great workout tonight while listening to Heather Robertson's Half Size Me podcast. Heather interviews me on an upcoming episode of that amazing podcast--and, I'm excited to say, she's agreed to an interview for Transformation Planet! I highly recommend the Half Size Me podcast! Look for it and mine wherever you get podcasts.

I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. I completed a solid workout. And I stayed connected with great support. It was a solid day!

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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