Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 16th, 2016 High-Quality

October 16th, 2016 High-Quality

Waking up to Noah's sweet smile is the best thing ever. Today's plan was anything but relaxed. The thing is, if it's going to be heavily involved--then hopefully it's high-quality time, and it was that, for sure.

We were up early in order to make the trip to Stillwater for lunch out with mom. We dined at a place known for their burgers--and tacos, and since we tried this place once already, I was armed with information on ingredients! I chose the lean bison tacos and a side of fresh cut sweet potato fries instead of the chips and salsa (their salsa contains refined sugar).

We made it back just in time for Noah to head home and for me to pick up a colleague for a trip to the Wichita airport. A lot of driving today. I was tired, but still in decent shape--certainly a credit to the 7 hours sleep last night.

I've maintained a minimum 7 hours sleep Friday and Saturday night--and now, my "get up" time changes to 4:30am, so bedtime changes to 9:30pm. I started planning for this last night and this morning. I was up after 7 hours sleep when I could have slept in a little more. I didn't because how much I sleep in on Sunday can dramatically affect my bedtime Sunday night.

This new importance level I'm applying to rest is going well. Here's the thing--getting this in order helps set a more solid foundation and that will help me have a consistent schedule for everything else.

Today I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support. It was a solid day!

This weekend hasn't been very laid back, but it's been high-quality all the way around. I'm blessed and grateful.

Have you listened to the latest podcast episode of Transformation Planet? You can find my new podcast in iTunes and on Google Play--and wherever you find podcasts! The archived episodes are listed on the left-hand side of the web/desktop version of this blog. Of course, if you subscribe in iTunes and Google Play (it's FREE), you'll get new episodes automatically delivered plus you'll have access to older episodes.

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Still reading your blogs every day - thanks for sharing how you manage eating out!

  2. Sean,

    Yeah, I read everyday too. I believe that the most transformative thing before you is understanding, dealing with, and improve your sleep hygiene. It seems all the old beliefs, behaviors, and compensations live within that little part of you the believes it is better to stay up until 2:00 am, rather than taking the steps necessary to get ready for bed and set yourself up for seven hours of sleep.

    (that, and yoga)

  3. Glad to have found your blog. Keep posting


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